Chapter 52

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Katie's POV

The next few months of my life were a chaotic mess. 

I continued living at my sister's and end got the job of picking up Aria from daycare every day. But a part of me was missing, and I knew what it was. 

I practically lived at Trin and Dev's. But I wanted to actually live there for real. 

Adley and I maintained a great friendship, and we ended up closer than we were when we were together. 

I think we both still had some feelings for him, and he still had some for me, but that's because a huge part of us will always belong to each other, especially with this baby. 

We wanted to keep the gender of the baby a secret, but we got impatient, and he's coming to D.C. tomorrow, which is May 3rd, and my teammates aren't away, so it worked out for me. 

We had talked about names, and we were having trouble figuring out our favorites, so it will be easier when we only have half the amount of names we would usually have. 

Today, I went to the jewelry store to get a new chain for my necklace that broke the other day. 

I walked in and immediately saw the girl who worked there that had talked to me for a while about the wedding and how I was having regrets about getting engaged and whatever. Not even Trinity, Devon or Kennedy know that. 

"Hey, I know you." She said. 

"I know you too." 

"Someone doesn't have a ring anymore." 

"Lost the ring, gained a baby bump." I sighed. "I can't believe you remember me." 

"Of course I did. Your story was insane. Something I'll never forget." She put down whatever she was holding and came up to meet me at the counter. "Never realized you were a big soccer player. Brought a championship here." 

"I did." I smiled. 

"So what brings you here this time, Katie Callahan? After more advice?" 

"Unless you can tell me how to take care of a kid, I'm good this time." I laughed. "I just broke my chain on this necklace and I need a new one." 

I looked at her name tag. Abigail. That's her name. 

"Gotcha. Let me just..." She reached under the counter to grab a stock of chains. "Silver?" 


"Didn't peg you for a gold girl." 

"I didn't either, until I was gifted some." 

"So how's it going with your girl?" She asked, popping back up with a chain. 


"Went nowhere, huh?" 


"Ended your engagement for no reason?" 

"I ran out on the wedding."

"You didn't." 

"I did." 

"So you just don't talk to either of them anymore?" 

"Nope. Both." I said. "They're just my best friends now. I mean this is his kid after all. And she saved my life. So I guess I'm happy." 

"You don't say it like you are." 

"I am." 

"Who do you have feelings for?" 

I sighed. There was no way out of this. "Both." 


"Him, I think it's because he will always have a part of me. I have his kid in my stomach." I took a deep breath. "And I'm absolutely still in love with her, and I have no idea what to do about it." 

"Tell her." 

"But if we're caught in public, my image that I've somehow kept good through all of my disasters will be gone, and she'll get shitty labels." 

"Who cares what other people think." She scoffed. "If you'd both be happy, who the hell cares?" 

I sighed and looked at her. 

"I wish it was that easy, Abigail." 

"I see you found my name tag." She laughed. 

"I did." 

"Well if that's all, I better be seeing you back here sooner than later." 

"I break my stuff all the time." I laughed. 

"And you also buy gifts for a special someone." 

"I guess." 

"If I don't see a ring on that finger soon, I'm gonna get mad." 

"Okay." I laughed again. 

"Promise me one thing this time." 

"What is that?" 

"That you'll just tell her how you feel. Please." 

"Okay. I will." I said, gathering my things. "I'll see you soon, okay? Bye!" 

"Go get your girl!" 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now