Chapter 21

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Katie's POV

The next day, we all took Aria shopping after practice. Kelley watched her and the kid came back with only 1 scrape and 2 bruises thankfully. She loved Kelley though. 

Update on Miles's mom, she's gonna be okay, but as of right now she's not good, so they're gonna be there for another day at least. That's cutting it kind of close to the championship, but it's okay. 

It's in 2 days. 

Luckily Aria was helping me keep my mind off of it though. 

We took her shopping today. We were noticed in the store a few times actually. 

"Ooh Katie! This hat is so cute look at it!" Trin said while we were windowshopping in the city. 

"You think this little monster is gonna wear a hat?" I laughed. 

"True true." 

"Can we go in here?" Ashley asked. 

"Why not?" I said. "But does anyone wanna take turns holding her? My arms are getting tired." 

"She didn't leave a stroller?" Asked Dev. 


"I'll take her." She lifted Aria from my arms, and the baby smiled and laughed. 


"She's really smart." Said Ash. "Definitely wasn't dropped like you, Dev." 


We all laughed and the baby did too, which made us laugh more. 

We looked around and Trin and I picked our an outfit for the baby. She took Aria from Dev and we asked her if she liked it which was stupid because she can't tell us even if she has an opinion. 

"Does this pass the coolness test?" She asked the baby as I held up the clothes. "Is this cool enough for you?" 

Aria looked at Trin, and then started babbling. 

"I'll take that as a yes." Trinity laughed, and Dev came over and took her again. 

When Aria started to cry and back for Trinity, I thought it was cute until she started screaming "Ma! Mama! Ma!" 

She looked at me, her mouth gaping open. 

"What did she just call me?" 

"She's babbling." I reassured her. 

"Ma! Ma!" 

Dev shoved the child at Trin before she started to cry, and she immediately calmed down. 

"What the fuck?" Asked Trinity. 

"I have no idea." 

"You don't even look like Kennedy!" Dev said. "Not even a little bit!" 

"That's weird. Okay, Dev, go find out other child so we can pay and head home. The baby's probably tired. It's nap time." I said. 

"Ash? Where'd you go?" Dev asked, starting to wander. 

"I'm gonna go help her too. This place is freaking huge. Take my card and pay for this. Thanks." I shoved the card and clothes into Trinity's free hand, and she headed for the counter. I headed off to find Ash. 


Trinity's POV

I carried Aria up to the register, still weirded out by what she called me, but there's nothing I could do about it except yell "TAH!" at her until she gets it right. 

Ari kept saying the dreaded words as I talked to the nice cashier lady.

"Your daughter is adorable. So precious." She said eventually. 

Can't blame her for thinking the random baby screaming "MA MA MA" at me in the store is my kid, but it still made me feel a little bit awkward. 

"You seem like such a good mom. Your girlfriend is real lucky to have you. She's real pretty." 

I must have made a face or something, but my cheeks were also absolutely burning up. 

"Oh no. We're not dating. She's my best friend and this is her niece. We went out with a few of our teammates." I explained. 


"Yeah." I shook my head because I should have said friends. "We play for the Washington Spirit. We're actually in the finals in a few days." 

"So like the world cup?" 

"Something like that." I said, not feeling like explaining my whole life story let alone the Spirit's. 

"And what's the team caled?" 

"Washington Spirit." 

"Where'd you go, babes?" I heard Dev yell. 

"That you, Dev?" Katie asked. 

"That's me, Kala." 

"Shut up with the nicknames in public. It sounds stupid." 


Dev came into view then, a mopey Ashley following behind her. 

"Found the other kid." 

"I like it in here!" Whined Ashley. 

"We know. We want to save you from spending all of your life savings." Dev said, patting her on the head. 

"There's everything in here! There's clothes, pots, pans, shoes, towels, even finger paint!" 

"Hurry up ba--Katie! We need to get Ash out!" Yelled Dev behind her. 

"I'm coming!" 

"You're a professional soccer player! Sprint!" 

I could finally see her speed walking through the racks. It was really cute for whatever reason. 

"I'm here! Aw, look at the baby!" 

She had fallen asleep on me. It was pretty cute. 

"Let's get out of here quick." Dev said, urging Ash out the door. 

"Bye! Have a nice day!" I said to the cashier as we left. 

"Thanks! You too! Good luck at the championship! Rooting for you!" 

"Thank you!"

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt