Chapter 23

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Katie's POV

As if today wasn't already going wrong, when I went back out to the living room, I heard a lot of laughing from my teammates. 

"What's going on...." I took a look at the table, where there was a smirking Kelley, a laughing Aria and a Devon with her mouth hung wide open staring at me. 

I covered my eyes. This has to be a joke. I'm just gonna count to 5 and hope this all goes away like it was some kind of bad dream. 



"What happened?" 

"Isn't it pretty self explanatory?" 

"Not gonna get you out of it, Kel." 

"Poop." She muttered, and I walked over to the table, grabbing the paper towels. 

Aria's food was all over the table in random clumps. it was all over her as well, and there was some on Kelley and Dev's face. 

"How do you make this much of a mess?" I asked, taking the baby. "Dev, help her clean up." 

"She started throwing the food!" Kelley protested. 

"Mhm, blame the kid." Said Dev, throwing a wet paper towel at her. 

"Fine, I did it but-" 

"It's fine, Kelley." I said, sitting the baby on the counter and quickly throwing the dishes in the dishwasher to make room in the sink for her. 

"Why not give her a bath in the real bathroom?" Asked Devon. 

"I don't really wanna bother with Trinity right now. I'm better off here." I sighed, starting the water to clean off the sink. 

When I finished cleaning it, I washed Ari in the sink before trying to put her down for a nap so I could have a minute to breathe. 


I finally got the baby to sleep and gave her to Dev so I could go sit in my room alone. 

I have a championship game to play in a few hours, and my sister left her kid here. 

I flopped down on my bed and just started crying. I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. 

I don't know how long I was crying for before someone grabbed me and pulled me in. That's when I realized it was Trinity, and I wanted to pull myself together, but I just couldn't do it. 

"It's gonna be okay." She said. 

I looked up at her., and she looked me right in the eyes. 

"I promise, it's gonna be okay. Would I lie to you?" 

"To make me feel better." 

"Shut up." 

"Sorry." I cracked a little smile. 

"And you know what Katie? You're gonna go out there today and have the best game of your life. Silence the haters and laugh in the faces of the doubters. Because we need to win. We're all going to play our hearts out for this, because we deserve this. Especially you." She said. 

"What did I do to deserve this? The championship, the starting spot, hell how did I even get on the team? I don't deserve you, Trinity, because you've gotten me everything I have right now. Without you, my life would suck. It would be absolute crap, nothing to live for, nothing to ever look forward to, no one to turn to when I needed to talk. I don't deserve you, and you know it. I don't think I can even play today. I can't do it." 

"Katie Callahan, you can do anything. You're the best. You're string, you're tough, you're a hard worker, you've been to hell and back, and the back brought you here, where you're meant to be." 

I looked up at her again, and I couldn't help but believe her. I love her, so much, and those words coming from her mean so much more than they would from anyone else. 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now