Chapter 6

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Devon's POV

The giggling went on for hours. SO many hours. 

It went from 11:30 to 2:30 am. I'm not even joking. 

I had the door cracked a little bit so I could see if they were alive in there, and they just giggled. Then they would get quiet, and then it would happen again. 

"Trinity it's really hot in your room!" Katie laughed. 

"That's because you're in here!" Giggled Trinity. 

"No! It has to be you!" 

Then they giggled for a minute, I saw Katie take off her flannel and then try to wrap her friend in it. 

"Nooo! It's too hot for that!" 

I left after that, headed into my room to try to get some sleep. 

They were being so loud that I finally got mad at 2:30 in the morning and told them to go to sleep. 

They settled down then. 

I was still worried if I was going to have to clean up excessive amounts of vomit tomorrow morning. 


Katie's POV

When I woke up, I was comfortable and chilly. But the sheets under me weren't mine. And there was an arm around me, and I had no shirt on but a bra. 

The steady breathing next to me signaled that whoever it was was still sleeping. I couldn't remember much from last night. What guy did I just sleep with after that party? 

But as I came to my senses more, I remembered stuff and realized it wasn't a guy at all. 

I was laying in Trinity Rodman's bed. 

But we didn't sleep together, I remember. I just had no shirt on because it was hot last night. 

I was too afraid to move because I didn't want to wake her up. I was comfortable anyway.

After a little bit she moved but didn't wake up. But the way she moved made me uncomfortable. so I adjusted. 

Then she woke up. I held my breath, because I was in the middle of moving and our faces were SO close together, our noses were practically touching. 

"Good morning." She smiled. We were breathing the same air, and anyone who walked in right now would be more likely to turn around and walk out then stay. 

I wanted to close the small gap desperately, but I didn't. I moved away so I wouldn't. She's definitely straight. I'm straight. But she'd hate me forever. 

I moved away to stretch and avoid the thoughts. But I could have sworn as I was moving I saw her try to catch my lips. 

"You have a good time last night?" I asked. Then added; "At the party?" 

"The best." She smiled. "We should do it again." 

"Every Friday." I said, laying my head down on my pillow. 

"Um, do you remember anything?" She asked. 

"I do." 

"Did we...." 

"No." I said quickly. "Nope." 

She nodded, and then we went to the kitchen for breakfast. 

"Morning, Dev." Trrinity said. 

"Morning, Trinity. Hi Katie." 

"Hi." I said shyly. "I'm sorry. Last night, that wasn't the best first impression." 

"It's alright. You're in college. Partay time!" 

"Well if we let this be  the first impression-" I was going to introduce myself, but I realized I had never put on a shirt. "I'll be right back." 

"Just take this." Trinity gave me the Washington Spirit hoodie she was wearing over a t-shirt. 

"Thanks." I put it on, and then introduced myself. 

"Hi. I'm Katie Callahan." I stuck out my hand for her to shake. 

"HI Katie, I'm Devon Kerr." She shook my hand. 

She had made pancakes and made a drink for our hangover. 

She asked me if I was a model, and I told her I was a college soccer player. Then we talked about soccer. 

She was very kind and well-spoken. I enjoyed conversation with her almost as much as her roommate. 

Eventually I decided I overstayed my welcome, and I told them I was going to call my friend to pick me up. 

"I'll drive you." Trinity said. "Dev, do you have my keys?" 

"I do. Ashley drove your car home." 

"Hatch or Sanchez? Please say Sanchez." 

"Sanchez, Yes." 

"Good." She let out a sigh of relief. "I know Hatchy would kill me." 

"So she's not gonna like me?" I asked. 

"No, just don't tell her. She'll really like you, actually." 

"So you're saying I'm gonna meet her?" 

"This doesn't have to be a strictly partying friendship, does it?" 

"Not at all." I smiled.

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now