Chapter 43

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Devon's POV

"Kennedy! Kennedy! Is Katie in here?" I asked, knocking on her door. 

"No! I thought she was with you getting her makeup done!" Kennedy said, opening the door. 

"Nope. We've been waiting for 30 minutes." 

"Well shit." She scratched her head. "Is she in her room?" 


"Well she's getting married in two hours! We have to find her!" 

"I've looked all over. Even asked people in the lobby. She disappeared." 

"Where's Trinity? Maybe she knows." 

I immediately realized that Trinity wasn't in our room this morning, or from what I can remember from last night. I did a little drinking. 

"She wasn't there last night when I came back." I said. 

We locked eyes, and both of our mouths hung wide open. 

"We gotta start looking. Let's go." 


Trinity's POV

"Katie, your wedding starts in 2 hours. We have to go." I said, tapping her shoulder. 

"I can't do it." She just stared out at the river. "I can't." 

I sighed.

"Do you love him?" I asked. 

She hesitated. "Yes." 

"Do you want to marry him?" 

She hesitated for longer this time. 




"Then we have to get back to the hotel." 

"I just need what's best for this baby, you know?" 

"So are you going to stop playing soccer?" 


"Then what difference does this make?" I asked, wanting to start going off about how stupid this was, but realized what Dev would say. 

"I'm not sure." 

"So why are you doing this?" 

"Because I love him and want what's best for the baby, that's why. I told you." 

"Real reason?" 

She was quiet. 

"My parents are gonna find out, and they already hate me, I don't need them to hate me even more." She said softly. 

"Why do they still have a hold on you? It's been 2 years." 

"I need the approval of others. Especially my parents. I've been like that my whole life." 

"How did I never know that?" 

"Because I never let it show. And I've never felt it when I had you in my life. Except now." 

Katie turned and walked to the car, and I followed. 

We were silent the whole way home. I was too afraid to say anything. 


When she got out of the car at the hotel, I put on our playlist and just sat in the parking lot. 

It's called 'Trinny and Kates <3' and it has all of our favorite songs on it. The ones that mean something to us.

First song to play was Everytime We Touch by Cascada, which was what we sung in the locker room after we won the championship. 

Then it was Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay, which we heard at the party we went to and both sung. 

Then it was Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars, which I just added at some point because it makes me think of her. I was fragile after that one, on the verge of tears. 

Then another Cascada song came on, What Hurts The Most, and that's when I lost it. 

What hurts the most
Was being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
Never knowing What could have been
And not seeing that loving you was what I was trying to do

I fell apart, and just cried for 20 minutes. 

Then I had to go inside and get ready, because I was cutting it close on time. But damn it, that song hit hard. 

I heard the whole group of bridesmaids and makeup artists and whatever in there, and when I walked in everybody cheered. 

"There she is!" Devon said happily, coming over to me and putting her arm around my shoulders. 

"You look pretty." I said, fixing the strap of her dress. 

"Thanks! Your turn now." 

I stepped inside more, and that's when I saw Katie, who was looking absolutely PERFECT. 

"Hi." She smiled. 

"Hey. You look stunning." I fumbled on my words. 

"Thank you." She came over and wrapped me into a hug, and stayed for a while. 

Maybe it wasn't that long, but it felt like it. 

"Your turn." She smiled, and pointed to the makeup chair. 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now