Chapter 19

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Katie's POV

Trinity moved into my room last night, because she had a fight with Tara. She looked really upset and I felt so bad. 

"I'm sorry, Trinny." I said, pulling her into a hug. "It's gonna be okay." 

I was relieved that I didn't have to feel awkward around her anymore, and I didn't feel weird sitting near her or hugging her. 

The next day, we won our playoff game. 

Trin scored 2 goals and we won 2-0. I gave her the assist on the first once since I started. 

We were going to the semi's now and we had to play Kansas City Current in Kansas City. 

The day after that, our celebration from her first goal was viral and breaking the internet. It was just some random TikTok dance she made me learn. 

Then the next week, we played Current, and beat them. 

I scored the game winner in the 79th, Ashley Hatch scored the first goal in the 24th and the other team tied it up on a pk in the 60th. 

That was my third game winner this year somehow. I clutch at the right times clearly. 

My celebration went viral as well. I had to make it good since that's what Current was known for this season other than their 13 game unbeaten streak. 

Trin pretended to pitch me the ball, and I swung a fake bat and pretended to watch it as if it was a home run. Ashley had went behind me like a catcher, and Tara pretended to be the umpire. 

Of course I did this for Adley. He was watching from his house and texted me how much he loved it. 

"There's Mrs Rutschman!" Hatchy teased as she gave me a hug. 

I was high on the feeling of that goal for a few days. 

But later that night, I was showering in my hotel room and I didn't think Trinity was there, so I started singing to the music that I was playing. 

"Beautiful, crazy, she can't help but amaze me, the way that she dances, ain't afraid to take chances, and wears her heart on her sleeve..." I sung. 

"Yeah she's crazy, but her crazy's beautiful to me." Someone else joined in, and I looked out of the curtain to see Trinity. 

"Who knew you had the voice of an angel?" She smiled. 

"Who knew you were a Luke Combs fan?" I laughed. 

"I only started listening because of you. Now I'm hooked." 

"What are you doing in here anyway?" 

"I came in to grab lotion, and you started singing, so I thought you knew I was in here." 

"I had no idea." 

"Well your voice is absolutely beautiful." 

"It's really not." I still blushed. 

"Take a compliment, Katie Callahan." 

"Sorry. Thank you. Now I'm kind of uncomfortable, so can you leave so I can finish up?" 

"I forgot. Sorry. Yes." 

She left and I laughed at how she was just like the song. 

Beautiful crazy. 

She's got a nice voice too, I can't lie. But now she's gonna go tell everybody in the whole world, because when she figures out my hidden talents she puts them on blast to the whole team. Like my double jointed thumb or the fact that I can throw a ball 80 mph or how I have an almost perfect basketball jump shot. 

And by the time we got home, the news of my good singing voice had circulated through the team, and they made me sing a song in the locker room one day. 

We were playing the championship at home because we won last year. We could be the first team ever to win back to back championships and win one at home. That's really cool. 

3 days before the championship, Kenneday called me and told me she really needed me to watch Aria because Miles' mom had a health scare so they had to go up to Baltimore to be with her just in case. I agreed to watching her, completely forgetting about my date with Adley the next night. 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now