Chapter 27

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Katie's POV

I got my roommates home safely and made sure they were settled in before meeting up with Adley at the hotel. 

I got up at 6:30 am, took a shower, and then was home by 7 just in case one of them woke up. I just slept on the couch until I was woken up by the sound of vomiting. 

I stretched and pulled myself off the couch, still completely exhausted from the game and my lack of sleep. 

"Morning Dev." I said, standing in the doorway. 

"Hi babe." 

"You look good." I said sarcastically. 

"Shut up." 


"I know you left last night." 


"And Trinity was really upset." 

"I think you're dreaming. No way you actually remember anything." I laughed. 

"I'm not-" She went pale and I knew she was about to throw up again, so I grabbed her hair. 

"This poor toilet's been through a lot these past 2 days." I said after she flushed the toilet. 

"What I was saying is, I'm not dreaming." 

"Whatever you say Dev." 


For the whole day, Trinity pretty much ignored me or just walked away from me. 

I had no idea that she would remember last night, but apparently she did. When I rejected her kiss? 

And I told Devon that I went to the hotel with Adley and had a fun time, and she apparently told Trinity. I don't know why that made her so upset, but it made me upset. I wanted to be with her at the event we had to go to today. Then we had a dinner and she wouldn't sit anywhere near me. 

But I kept my happy face on as always. 

After the dinner, we all went our own ways, doing our own things. 

I realized that was one of the last times we would all be in the same room at once. Maybe even the last. 

After that, I finally was able to finish answering  all of the people that had texted me/called me. 

It was 8 pm, and I'd escaped to the top of our apartment building, somewhere I probably shouldn't be, but whatever. 

I stayed up there in the chilly air answering phone calls and messages until 10:30, when someone came up to interrupt me. 

"Jayla, I'll call you back to catch up tomorrow, okay? Something came up. I promise I will. I miss you too. Bye." 

I hung up and put my phone in the pocket of my sweatpants and looked right at Trinity Rodman. 

"Hi." I said, staring at the ground. 


"What's...." I started to say, but the feelings took over. "Why'd you ignore me all day? Why did you pick now to come talk to me? Come on, Trin!" 

"I'm sorry. I didn't think this would make you that upset." 

I sat down on the blanket I'd set out so I could stare up at the stars while I talked on the phone.

"I'm not really upset. Your timing just isn't great."


Then she came over and sat next to me. I felt myself go weak when she looked into my eyes, so I laid down to avoid her stupid gaze. 

"That a hickey?" She asked, pointing to my neck. 


"I waited up for you, you know." 

"You were too drunk to remember that." 

"No I wasn't." 

"Yes you were. I literally drove you home." 

We were quiet for a few long seconds. 



She laid down next to me, she faced me and I faced her.

"I have a question." 

"Go ahead." I said. 

"How come you're so different around other people?" 


"You act differently around people that aren't me and Devon and Ashley. And sometimes even around them." 

"I feel like you're making stuff up." 

"I know you better than you know yourself." 

The tension was building up. 

"There's a lot you don't know about me, Trinity Rodman." 

"Is there?" 

We were quiet again. 

"Why does this matter right now anyway?" I asked finally. 

"It's the same with Adley. You're different."M 

"Why are you so obsessed with my relationship with him?" 

I sat up, the tension so high you could practically touch it. 

"Because Katie! I care about you! I want nothing but the best for you! If you can't be yourself around him, then what's the point?" 

I stared into my lap, having no idea what to say. 

"And I can tell, there's something off when you mention him sometimes. If you don't wanna be with him, then tell him that. Don't lead the poor guy on. And don't settle." 

"But he's....he's kind. And he's just such a good guy. And he's comfortable. You can never go wrong with a guy like that. If he leaves me, he'll do it nicely. And he'll love me and treat me right. It's not a risk. That's what I need. These last 2 and a half years have been a risk. And I failed at one point. I was lucky enough to have you to help me out. But am I always gonna be so lucky?"

I'm not sure where that came from to be honest. But it's true.

We were both quiet for a long time, a matter of probably about 3 minutes. Then I laid back down. 

"I'm sorry for lashing out." I said. 

"It's okay. I'm sorry for today too." 

"Can I just ask you one thing?" 

"Go ahead." 

"Why'd you do that last night if you claim you 'weren't that drunk?'"

She looked up, and I could see her bite the inside of her lip, like she does when she gets nervous. 

"Because I love you,Kates. So much. I've been in love with you since the first time I met you. I knew it since you came to that first Spirit game and I saw you in the stands cheering for me. That was it." 

I was quiet, speechless, no words. 

"I need you. You're the best friend I've ever had, and I don't care if you don't feel the same way in the love way or whatever, I just need you in my life." 

I was still quiet. 

"Can't you feel my heartbeat fast? I want this to last. I need you in my life." 

"Don't use song myrics on me." I laughed. "Especially locker room ones. I have a soft spot for those." 

"I'm serious though. Don't let this make it awkward, please." 

"Oh Trin." 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 

"You'll always be my first love, Trinity Rodman." 

my best friend....//Trinity RodmanWhere stories live. Discover now