Parts 383 & 384

170 7 1

WM: Have you heard frm the guys?
TS: That's actually why I came to talk to you.
Y/N: This can't be good.
TS: The good news is they found they guy.
WM: Finally. So they're on their way home?
TS: Not exactly.
Y/N: Why not?
TS: The flash drive wasn't on him.
Y/N: Then where is it?
TS: He gave it to the person who paid him to get it.
WM: Someone paid him to infiltrate the FBI?
TS: A very substantial amount.
Y/N: Where did they find him?
TS: They found him in Berlin.
Y/N: Did he give up his employer?
TS: Unfortunately not.
Y/N: All that money he can't use and he's still loyal.
WM: Any idea who it may be?
TS: No. But he kept referring to 'her'.
Y/N: It's a woman?
TS: It would appear so.
WM: You said that was the good news. What's the bad news?
TS: They didn't check in today.
Y/N: What?
TS: They're supposed to check in every morning and keep us updated.
WM: When did you last hear from them?
TS: Yesterday. They've checked in every morning like clockwork and then this morning, nothing.
WM: Do you think there will ever be a mission where no one goes missing?
Y/N: I sincerely hope this is the last one Steve ever does.
TS: Nat's in the communications room now.
*You and Wanda run to the communications room where you find Nat staring at a blank screen.*

Y/N: Nat?
NR: I see Tony told you.
WM: What's their last known location?
NR: When they called yesterday they were still in Berlin.
Y/N: You can't track the jet?
TS: It's not responding.
WM: What do you mean 'it's not responding'?
TS: It's off the grid.
Y/N: You said you found the guy in Berlin?
NR: That's where they were when they last checked in.
Y/N: Then that's where we start.
NR: We who?
Y/N: Me and whoever wants to come with me.
TS: You're not going anywhere.
Y/N: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't go.
TS: I'll give you four.
Y/N: Please don't bring my kids into this.
WM: But he's right.
Y/N: Fine. Who's going?
TS: Me and Rhodey.
Y/N: Nat, you're not going?
NR: I'm staying to make sure you stay.
TS: The jet is already packed and ready to go.
Y/N: Uncle Tony...
TS: I know, I know. Bring them back in one piece.
*You, Nat and Wanda watch as the jet takes not knowing Graant and Savannah are behind you.*
Sav: Mommy, is Daddy ok?
Y/N: Of course he is.
GR: Then why are Uncle Tony and Uncle Rhodey going to get him?
Y/N: Well...he didn't call this morning. They just want to make sure he's safe.
Sav: Don't worry. He'll come home. He always comes home.
*Her words bring a tear to your eye as you look to the sky.*
Y/N: Yes he does.

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