Where is he? (Parts 187 & 188)

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*Back at the compound*
Y/N: Ahhh! I need Steve. Where is he?
Pep: Friday, were you able to reach Tony?
Bar: 5 minutes apart.
Y/N: Dad, what happens if he doesn't make it in time?
Bar: Well, unfortunately there's nothing I can do about that. Just think positive.
*Back on the quinjet.*
TS: Friday, patch me through to the compound.
F.Yes, boss.
Y/N: Ahhh, god. Where is he?
Bar: 3 minutes.
TS: Pepper?
Pep: Tony?
TS: What's the story?
Pep: Her water broke around 3 am and the contractions are 3 minutes apart.
Ban: Pepper, are you able to get her to the hospital?
Pep: The storm is too bad out there and we didn't want to risk something happening.
Ban: Get her to the medical wing. Everything you need is there.
Pep: Does that include electricity?
TS: What?
Pep: The storm took out the power.
SR: Y/N? Can you hear me?
Y/N: Steve? Where are you? I need you here. Here comes another one.
Bar: 2 minutes apart.
SR: I'm on my way, baby girl.
TS: We're almost there.
Y/N: Oh god! Pepper, they're coming! Now!

Pep: I'm going to look. Ok?
Y/N: Ok.
*She looks and sees something.*
Pep: I'm no expert but I think I see a head.
Y/N: Where the hell is he?!
Pep: These babies aren't going to wait any longer.
Y/N: No. I'm not doing this without him.
Bar: Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.
Y/N: I won't. I can't. Oh, here comes another one.
Bar: Tony, are you there?
Pep: Tony?
Pep: Where the hell is he?
SR: Y/N!
*You hear Steve call your name as he runs upstairs.*
Y/N: Steve! You made it.
SR: I wouldn't miss this.
*He gets in bed behind you and leans your back against him.*
SR: I've got you. I'm right here.
Pep: Where's Bruce?
WM: He's coming.
CB: I'm going to see what I can do about getting the power back on.
Pep: Wanda, get some clean towels.
Y/N: I need to push!
Pep: I need a light here.
TS: I can help with that.
Pep: Y/N, on your next contraction, if you feel the need to push, do it.
Ban: I'm here. Where do we stand?
Y/N: Pepper!
Pep: Y/N, on your next contraction, if you feel the need to push, do it.
*You begin pushing and before you know it, a baby's cry fills the room.*

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