Part 119 & 120

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*Friday afternoon at the hotel, you arrive and knock on his door. He opens it.*
SR: Hi. Nat told me you were coming. I didn't believe her.
Y/N: She said we should talk one last time.
SR: She was right. Come in.
Y/N: What did you want to talk about?
SR: Let's start with why Colin thinks I left you.
Y/N: It was our first date. He started asking questions. It was easier to say you left than to explain the whole story.
SR: So Captain America is the bad guy now?
Y/N: I wanted to tell him the truth but I didn't know how.
SR: Why not come back to the compound?
Y/N: To what? The love of my life had already moved on.
SR: You still have family there.
Y/N: Tony made it clear before I left that I didn't.
SR: Now tell me about Jacob.
*You immediately start crying at the mention of his name.*
Y/N: How did you find out?
SR: Your fiance told me when he threw me out the other day.
Y/N: Steve...
SR: Who else knows?
Y/N: Nat and Wanda.
SR: Tony? I know you've been in touch with him for a while.
Y/N: How do you know I've talked to him?
SR: The night I got my memories back, I found him on the phone. He didn't know I could hear him.
Y/N: I told him after it happened. It was as if he knew. It was the first time he reached out. He didn't even know I was pregnant.
SR: Tell me what happened.

Y/N: I was in my second trimester and I started having contractions. They couldn't stop them. He was rushed to the NICU. It turns out he had a heart condition. They did all they could but he died three days later.
SR: I'm sorry you went through that alone.
Y/N: Tony didn't want me to be alone. I didn't want to go back. Nat showed up a week later. I thoink Tony found her and told her.
SR: And Wanda?
Y/N: Nat called her.
SR: So you're saying Tony finally did something good?
Y/N: Yeah, he did. You're not mad at him, are you?
SR: I am. He interfered with both our lives. What gives him that right?
Y/N: He was only doing what I asked.
SR: That still doesn't make it right.
Y/N: I don't expect you to understand.
SR: Good because I don't.
Y/N: Then maybe I should go.
*You both stand up and are so close to each other you can feel his breath. You want to leave but you can't bring yourself to move.*
SR: Would you stay if I asked you to?
Y/N: Why would you do that?
*He moves closer.*
SR: Because I love you. I need you. I don't want to live without you.
Y/N: Those are just words.
SR: No, I mean it.
*He goes in for the kiss and you fall into him.*
SR: I almost forgot how beautiful you are.

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