Parts 377 & 378

157 8 1

Y/N: Quick question. Sam, who's working in HR?
SW: There's two ladies there. Maggie and Donna.
Y/N: Were any of the new hires put in that department?
SW: I'll call over and find out.
*He leaves the room to make the call.*
NR: What's going on?
Y/N: I need security footage.
SR: Baby girl, what's wrong?
Y/N: This man has been dead for five years.
WM: What? Are you sure?
Y/N: I ran the name and social twice. It belongs to a 75 year old man in Denver who died of a heart attack.
NR: Getting that info that fast, I'm surprised the feds didn't ask you to work for them.
Y/N: Whos said they didn't. I just prefer to stay home with my family.
SR: So this guy is obviously suspect number one.
WM: How did he get past HR? Don't they do background checks?
Bar: They're supposed to. You don't think...
Y/N: That he's working with someone on the inside? Yes, I do.
SR: So let's find out who he really is.
*Two days later - You, Steve and Sam are in your living room looking over everything you have when Bucky walks in carrying Stevie.*
Y/N: Hey dad. Where's Wanda and Becca?
Bar: At home. Your sister was a little fussy this morning. Turns out she has a slight fever.
SR: How's this little guy?
Bar: He seems fine but we didn't want to take a chance of him getting sick too.
Y/N: Good thinking. Nat's been going through surveillance footage throughout the entire building.
SR: In case we missed something.
Y/N: If she could get a decent shot of his face, we could run a scan.
*Sam's phone rings.*
SW: Speak of the devil. Hello sweetheart.

NR: Hello, love. I may have something.
SW: You're on speaker.
Y/N: What did you find out?
NR: The guy got the job in the IT department so I sarted there. At 5:45 the night before he used his badge to gain access to the mainframe.
SR: He downloaded the files from there.
Bar: He was in Sam's office. Why not download it from there?
SW: The file was encrypted on my computer.
Y/N: He couldn't access the original from there.
NR: But he could get access to both from the mainframe.
SR: Did he send it to someone? Maybe we could track down the email.
NR: It was downloaded. More than likely a flash drive.
Bar: Could he erase the file from your computer from there?
SW: Fromthe mainframe? He could do anything he wants from there.
Y/N: What about surveillance cameras?
NR: I've been working on that. The footage isn't the best quality.
Bar: Can you clean it up?
NR: I'm doing my best.
Y/N: Send me what you've got.
NR: Sure.You gonna try as well?
Y/N: No. Not me.
SW: I'll call you later. Thanks sweetheart.
*He hangs up the phone and you look over and see a smile on his face.*
Y/N: I take it things are going well.
SW: They really are.
SR: What are you going to do?
Y/N: I need to see a man about some surveillance. I'll be right back.
*One hour later*
TS: This is what Nat sent?
Y/N: Yeah. The footage is really blurred. You would think the FBI could spring for a better security system.
TS: I'm surprised Nat couldn't get this cleaned up. Look. There's your guy.

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