Parts 266 & 267 - All is Well

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SR: What happened to her?
AM: When you told her to give it all she had, she complied.
Bar: How long will she be out of it?
AM: That's hard to say. She exhausted herself. She spent every bit of energy she had trying to deliver that baby.
Bar: All because she didn't want surgery.
SR: What happened with the lights? And the bed?
AM: That had to be connected with her telekinetic abilities.
SR: She was so concentrated on the baby...
Bar: She wasn't thinking of anything else.
AM: She lost control.
SR: That hasn't happened in a long time.
AM: Her body needs time to rest. She's been through a lot. In the meantime, despite being six weeks early, you have a healthy baby boy. Congratulations.
SR: Thank you.
*The doctor leaves.*
Bar: I told you she'd be ok.
SR: I'll believe that when she wakes up.
*Monday afternoon - you wake up and slowly open your eyes. Steve is sitting in a chair next to you. Slumped over the bed, sleeping. You reach down and run your fingers through his already tousled hair. He opens his eyes and sees you're awake.*
Y/N: Good morning handsome.
SR: Good evening, baby girl.
Y/N: Evening? What time is it?
SR: It's almost 5:00. Monday.
Y/N: Monday?
SR: What's the last thing you remember?
Y/N: We were watching the fireworks. My water broke. We got here.
*You stop for a moment.*
Y/N: The baby. Where is he? Is he ok?
SR: He's fine. He's perfect. He's healthy.
Y/N: I want to see him.
*You pull back the covers and start to get up. You feel a sharp pain in your stomach.*
Y/N: Ow. What the hell?
SR: Lay down or you'll open your incision.
Y/N: Incision?
*You look down and see the bandage.*
Y/N: Steve, what happened?

SR: You passed out and had to have a c-section.
Y/N: Can I see him?
SR: I'll go tell them you're awake.
*Steve leaves to get a nurse. You look around the room and see all the flowers and cards everyone has sent. Moments later, Steve returns with a nurse pushing a bassinet.*
SR: Look who I brought with me.
*The nurse picks him up and hands him to you.*
N: He's been waiting for you.
Y/N: Hey there, big guy.
N: If you're hungry, they stop taking dinner orders in 20 minutes. I'm going to leave you three alone.
*She leaves the room and closes the door.*
Y/N: He's perfect.
SR: And healthy. Despite being six weeks early. He's the best birthday present I'll ever get.
Y/N: I'd love to see someone top this.
SR: I already called your dad. Him and Wanda are bringing the kids up in the morning.
Y/N: And everyone else?
SR: Will be up in the afternoon.
*Just then the baby starts crying.*
SR: Someone's hungry.
Y/N: We both are.
SR: You take care of him. I'll take care of you.
*The next morning*
WM: Are you ready to see your baby brother?
Sav: Yeah!
AJ: I ready!
WM: As soon as Papaw's ready, we'll go.
*Bucky walks in on the phone.*
Bar: We're leaving now. We'll see you later.
*He hangs up.*
Bar: That was Tony. They'll be there later.
AJ: Papaw!
Sav: We go see Mommy and Daddy and baby?
Bar: Let's pack up and go.

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