Parts 182 - 184

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Pep: Where did you two run off to?
Y/N: Steve wanted to show me something.
TS: It's beautiful, isn't it?
Y/N: You knew?
TS: Are you kidding? He's been talking about that piece of land since before you met.
SR: She loved it. We're going to start planning next week.
Y/N: It's been a long afternoon. I'm going to call it a day.
SR: I'll be up in a little bit.
*You head upstairs*
SR: Have either of you seen Bucky?
TS: I haven't seen him since this morning.
SR: I told him what my plan was this morning. He wanted to know what she said.
Pep: I saw him come in with Wanda this afternoon but I haven;t seen them since.
SR: I'll find him tomorrow. I'm going to call it a night.
*later that evening*
SR: You really like it out there?
Y/N: Would you stop asking? It's beautiful. And it has a great view.
SR: Tony gave me a number to a contractor. I'll call him in the morning.
Y/N: That's fine. Why don't we put on a movie.
SR: Sounds good to me.
*Steve goes to the kitchen for snacks. While he's gone you start to hear strange noises. You get up to investigate. You're shocked when you realize what it is. You go back to your room and climb into bed. Steve returns and you get settled in with a movie and fall asleep.*

*the next morning*
NR: Why are you crying?
Y/N: You would be dead right now if you heard it.
Pep: What did you hear?
*You say nothing*
CB: What did you hear?
Y/N: Nothing.
SR: What's the problem?
Y/N: Nothing. There's no problem whatsoever.
Ban: Are you sure you didn't hear Wanda and Bucky having sex?
*By now, everyone but Tony is laughing*
NR: Oh my god.
Y/N: Three times.
TS: Looks like I need to soundproof another room.

*time jump - 37 weeks pregnant*
*Steve comes up and finds you in the nursery.*
SR: I thought I would find you here.
Y/N: Just putting some more things away.
SR: How are you feeling?
Y/N: Like a beached whale.
SR: Well, you will always be beautiful to me.
Y/N: Uh oh. Flattery. What's going on?
SR: So, I was talking to Tony...
Y/N: This doesn't sound good.
SR: There's a mission he needs me on.
Y/N: When?
SR: Tonight.
Y/N: How long?
SR: A couple of days.
Y/N: Who else is going?
SR: Everyone but Bucky and Pepper.
Y/N: How long before you leave?
SR: One hour. I wish I had more advanced notice. I hate leaving you. Especially now.
Y/N: We won't be alone. I'll be fine. We'll be fine. We still have a couple of weeks. Just promise you'll come back in one piece.
SR: I promise.
*He leans in and gives you a kiss.*
SR: I love you.
Y/N: I love you too.
*He leaves to pack his things. You look down and rub your swollen belly.*
Y/N: Did you hear that little ones? Daddy has to leave for a couple of days. Think you can hold out until then?

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