Parts 195 & 196

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SR: Are you ok?
Y/N: I'm fine. Why do you ask?
SR: You forgot the baby monitor was on and you left it in the kitchen.
Y/N: How much did you hear?
SR: All of it. Why didn't you say anything?
Y/N: I don't know. Maybe I was thinking it's my responsibilty. My kids, my wedding, my house.
SR: You mean OUR kids. OUR wedding. OUR house. OUR responsibility. But I need you to tell me when you feel like it's too much.
Y/N: Ok, then. Steve?
SR: Yes, baby girl?
Y/N: It's too much. I need a break.
SR: Pepper and Nat can help with baby duty. Wanda will be more than happy to help with wedding planning.
Y/N: Are you sure? Have they agreed to this?
SR: I haven't asked but I'm pretty sure I already know the answer.
*After feeding and changing both babies, you head downstairs. You walk into the kitchen to see everyone huddled in a group talking. They go silent when they see you.*
Y/N: You all heard, didn't you?
Pep: Maybe.
TS: I only heard half of it.
NR: Me and Pepper are moving the cribs to my room tonight and we'll take care of them.
WM: I've already rescheduled your appointment at the bridal shop.
TS: And I'll deal with the contractor.
Y/N: So what do I do now?
SR: Have dinner with me. Some place that doesn't do delivery or takeout.
Y/N: The restaurant where we had our first date.
SR: Perfect. Do you still have that red dress?
Y/N: Yes. But I just had two babies. It doesn't fit.

TS: I'm going to arrange a spa day for you and the girls tomorrow.
Y/N: Who's going to watch the twins?
SR: I think we can handle it.
Bar: How hard can it be?
TS: If we can battle aliens, he can handle babies.
CB: I've got my own kids. Sorry, but you're on your own.
SR: I'm going to make reservations for dinner. You start getting ready.
Pep: Come on. I think I have something you can wear.
*Later that evening*
Y/N: I just fed them so they should sleep for a couple of hours. I wrote the doctor's number down. It's...
NR: We've got this. Don't worry.
SR: They're going to be fine. We need to go.
Y/N: If you need us...
Pep: We won't. Now go.
SR: Thank you ladies. We should go.
*At the restaurant*
SR: I'msorry I couldn't get a reservation over there on short notice.
Y/N: Don't be. This place is beautiful.
SR: I'm glad you like it.
Y/N: I'm sorry for being out of it lately. Everything's just moving so fast.
SR: I know. I'm sorry I didn't notice it sooner.
Y/N: It's not your fault. I should have said something.
SR: I promise to be there more.
Y/N: I promise to ask for help more.
SR: I'm glad to hear that. Now let's eat.
*The rest of the evenong goes perfectly. After a while, you start to feel uneasy. Then you hear a voice in your head.*

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