Your First Mission (Part 47, 48 & 49)

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Disclaimer: For the full effect of some of these parts, refer to the videos on my Tiktok: mymarvelpov21.

TS: I need to soundproof your room.
Y/N: Why do you say that?
NR: "Take it slow..."
CB: "Put it down on me..."
TO: "I said jump on it..."
Ban: "Ride like a pony..."
WM: "Lights down low..."
PM: "Time to get naughty..."
LL: "Lights down low..."
SR: (smiling) "Time to get naughty."
SC: You guys are disgusting.
Y/N: And you're just jealous.

TS: Ok, back to work. Y/N, you're still training with Wanda. Wanda, how is she doing?
WM: Really good.
SR: Will she be ready for the next mission?
WM: I believe so.
TS: Good. I just finished her suit.
*Sharon walks in*
SC: We found it and we need to move now.
TS: You heard her. Suit up.
*on the jet*
SC: So the plan is to land the jet away from the base undetected. Tony, you're gonna go up and look for a way in. The rest of you cover hoim from the ground. Y/N, you're gonna be on the front line.
TS: No. This is her first mission.
SR: I agree. I'll take the front.
Y/N: I can do this.
TS: Alright then. Let's go.
SR: Please be careful.
*Tony flies over the base and hits a force field.*
TS: Shit!
SR: Language!
Y/N: Did you really just say that?
SR: Sorry. It slipped out.
Y/N: Tony, have you found a way in yet?
TS: Jarvis, do you see a power source for that force field?
J: Scanning now, sir.
TO: With this much defense, it must be here.
Y/N: Tony, what's the story?
J: Sir, a power source has been detected on the southwest corner of the building.
TS: Not anymore. Guys, the shield is down. Move in.
SR: Y/N, where are you?
Y/N: I made it inside.
NR: Y/N, wait for backup.
*as the battle continues, Clint gets injured*
NR: Clint!

SR: I found my way in but I can't find Y/N.
NR: Clint's been hit. I'm getting him back to the jet.
TS: Jarvis, can you scan the building and find Y/N?
Y/N: I found the control room. Just gotta take care of the idiots working there.
*you send them flying in every direction. Through windows, into walls. Tony flies in and shoots the rest.*
TS: Did I miss anyone?
Y/N: Took you long enough.
TS: Jarvis, scan the room.
J: Sir, there is an air current coming from the wall on your left.
TS: Please be a secret door.
*a secret door opens*
Y/N: Nice job.
*when you walk into the room, you can't believe your eyes*
Y/N: What is all this?
TS: It's New York all over again.
Y/N: But how did it get here?
TS: I don't know. But I see what we came for.
*Tony grabs the scepter*
Y/N: Now let's the hell out of here.

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