Parts 271 & 272 - Thanksgiving & a Surprise Engagement

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*Thanksgiving morning*
SR: Good morning. How's my girl?
Y/N: Tired. Grant woke up at 3:00 and wouldn't go back to sleep. It took 3 hours.
SR: Have you slept at all?
Y/N: I managed to get an hour in before the other two woke up.
SR: Where are they now?
Y/N: They're watching the parade in the living room.
*You hear Grant crying.*
SR: I'll get him. Go back to bed.
Y/N: Thank you. There's fresh milk in the fridge.
SR: I've got this. Go to bed.
Y/N: What time do we need to be at the compound?
SR: I will wake you in time. Just go.
*You go to bed and fall asleep instantly. Hours later, Steve comes in and wakes you up.*
SR: Hey, beautiful. Time to get up.
Y/N: What time is it?
SR: Time for you to get up. The kids are dressed and ready. Grant has been fed and changed. We're just waiting for you.
Y/N: You are amazing.
*You get up and shaower and get ready for the day. You and Steve load the kids up in the car and leave for the compound for dinner. Everyone has a great time. When it's time for dinner, everyone says what they're thankful for. It's your turn.*
Y/N: I am thankful for everyone here. For giving me the family I never thought I would have.
*It finally gets to Bucky.*
Bar: I am thankful to have my daughter back in my life. To have my best friend as my son in law, My three beautiful grandchildren. And to top it all off, this fiery redhead sitting next to me who has agreed to marry me.
Y/N: What?!
TS: No way.
Pep: Congratulations.
NR: I've got to admit. I did not see that coming.
WM: Thank you.
Pep: Do you have any details yet?
Bar: New Year's Eve. Right here at the compound.
WM: If that's ok with you, Tony.

Y/N: That doesn't give you much time.
WM: We want to keep it small.
Bar: Everyone we love and care about is in this room.
WM: What more do we need?
NR: Hey, if we can take down aliens and androids, we can certainly plan a wedding in a month.
Y/N: Yes we can. Right now, let's eat.
*The months fly by in a blur. Winter, Christmas, New Year's, your dad's and Wanda's wedding. Before you know it it's springtime. Out of nowhere, Steve gets a call.*
Y/N: Fury wants you to do what?
SR: Find Vision and bring him back.
Y/N: Did he say why?
SR: No. I'm guessing it's not good or he wouldn't call me.
Y/N: Who's going with you?
SR: Wanda, Nat and Sam.
Y/N: Dad's not too thrilled about Wanda going, is he?
SR: About as thrilled as you are about me going.
Y/N: If Fury asked for you to go, then you should go.
SR: Are you ok with this?
Y/N: They haven't asked you to go in quite some time. They need you. I only ask that you keep everyone safe.
SR: I promise.
Y/N: Be careful out there.

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