Parts 160 & 161

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WM: Nat, come with me.
NR: Right behind you.
*They leave the room.*
Bar: What does it say?
'Congratulations. I hope you're enjoying what time you have left with your family. Before you know it, your children will be ours. Hail Hydra, Sharon.'
TS: Get her packed. She's leaving ASAP.
*meanwhile upstairs*
SR: Come on, baby girl. Unlock the door.
Bar: Doll, we need to get you out now.
TS: Why are you standing in the hallway?
SR: She locked the door. We can't get in.
TS: You're both super soldiers. Kick the door in.
Bar: What if she's standing right behind the door?
TS: Friday, where is Y/N standing in her room?
F: I/m sorry, boss. I'm not detecting anyone in her room.
*Pepper runs up to the guys*
Pep: Tony, have you seen Nat and Wanda?
TS: Kick the door in.
*Steve kicks in the door and finds no one there.*
SR: Where is she?
*meanwhile with Nat and Wanda*
NR: Are you sure about this?
WM: She's going with or without us.
NR: You do remember what happened the last time we followed her, right?
WM: This time we're bringing extra help.
NR: And that would be?
LL: That would be me.
NR: Loki's coming?
LL: At the request of Y/N.
NR: I must be out of my mind.
Y/N: Are you guys coming or not?
*The four of you board the quinjet and take off.*

F: Boss, the quinjet has left the hangar.
SR: Shit!
Bar: I don't believe this.
TS: Friday, track the jet.
F: I'm sorry, boss. The tracker has been disabled.
SR: I'll bet anything Nat and Wanda went with her.
*Thor and Bruce walk in.*
TO: They did. And Loki went as well.
Ban: As well as all the info you already had towards finding Sharon.
SR: What do you mean?
Ban: It looks like it was downloaded to a hrad drive.
TS: She sent everything to the quinjet.
Ban: And disabled the tracker.
Pep: Then convinced the girls and Loki to go with her.
SR: Why would they agree to this?
*meanwhile on the quinjet*
NR: Wanda, when I agreed to help you, you didn't mention she was going.
WM: Because I knew you would say no.
NR: Well, it's too late to change my mind. How do we find Sharon?
Y/N: I downloaded all the inf the guys collected and have been doing my own search in private.
LL: Why didn't you tell them?
Y/N: They would just tell me to let them handle it and put me back to bed.
WM: You have a point. So, where are we going?
Y/N: This is a list of what has already been ruled out based on what they have.
NR: So what's left?
Y/N: There's a small list.
WM: Where so we start?
Y/N: At the most obvious ones.

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