Parts 226 & 227

432 12 1

TS: Good morning. You're not who I'm looking for.
Y/N: He went to the drug store. Savannah is sick.
TS: Have him call me when he gets back. I need him.
Y/N: I'll let him know.
*You hang up the phone.*
Y/N: So much for stepping back.
*Steve returns with the medicine.*
SR: I've got the stuff. How is she?
Y/N: She's asleep in our room. Tony called.
SR: What did he want?
Y/N: For you to call him back.
*Just then Steve's phone rings.*
Y/N: You get that. I'll be upstairs.
*He answers the phone while you go up and give Savannah her medicine. You come back and see a worried look on his face.*
Y/N: Uh oh. This can't be good.
SR: I have to go to the compound.
Y/N: So much for the quiet life.
SR: Did you really think it would be that easy?
Y/N: A girl can dream, can't she? What's going on?
SR: He didn't say much but I'll fill you in when I get back.
*He gives you a kiss and grabs his keys. You watch him drive away. He returns hours later after the kids are asleep.*
SR: You're still up?
Y/N: Waiting on you. What happened?
SR: We told Tony we would help if needed.
Y/N: No.
SR: Baby girl...
Y/N: No. We just got back from our honeymoon. We're not even settled into our house. Our daughter is sick. He couldn't wait 24 fucking hours?
SR: You're going to wake the kids.
Y/N: I'm sorry. Look, if you want to go, then go. I'm staying here.

SR: I told him you would say that.
Y/N: I hope he understands.
SR: I don't want to go...
Y/N: But you are.
SR: Please listen...
Y/N: Who's going?
SR: Me, Tony, Nat and Bruce. Both Maximoffs. Thor went to Asgard to get Loki and meet us there.
Y/N: How long?
SR: A couple of days.
Y/N: Sounds pretty serious. You should get some rest. I'm going to check on Savannah and go to bed.
*You go upstairs and Steve can only watch as you walk away. Hours later, you're laying in bed unable to sleep when you hear Steve walk in.*
Y/N: I wasn't sure if you were coming up or not.
SR: I wasn't sure if you wanted me in here or not.
*You roll over and see him standing in the doorway.*
SR: I don't want to walk out of here in the morning leaving things like this.
Y/N: Then come to bed.
SR: Does this mean you're not mad anymore?
Y/N: No. But you're right about one thing. We shouldn't leave things like this.
*He crawls into his side of the bed and wraps his arms around you.*
SR: I love you, baby girl.
Y/N: I love you too, handsome.
*The two of you fall asleep with you curled up next to him as he holds you tight. The next morning, you wake up and reach over for Steve only to find his side of the bed empty, except for a note.*
Baby girl, I was going to wake you to say goodbye but you looked peaceful and I didn't want to disturb you. Please know I meant no harm by not waking you. I love you and I'll see you soon. Love, Steve.
Y/N: God, you're lucky I love you.

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