Parts 142 & 143

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*fast forward - 12 weeks pregnant*
Y/N: Steve! Come quick!
SR: What happened? What's wrong?
Y/N: Look. I have a bump.
SR: Do me a favor?
Y/N: What's that?
SR: Please don't scream like that unless something is wrong.
Y/N: I'm sorry. I got excited.
SR: How are you feeling this morning?
Y/N: Well, I haven't puke this morning so there's that.
SR: So no more morning sickness?
Y/N: I think it's passed.
*Nat and Wanda walk in*
NR: Good. We want to take you shopping.
WM: There's a new place we want to take you to.
Y/N: I'll meet you downstairs in an hour. There's something I need to take care of first.
*later that afternoon*
Y/N: I'm guessing we're shopping for Tony's party?
Bar: Is that why I'm being dragged out with you?
NR: Do you have anything to wear?
WM: He has been planning this for weeks.
Y/N: Come on, dad. We'll find you something to wear and then get something to eat.
Bar: How fancy are we talking?
NR: Tony's going black tie this time.
Y/N: Well, there's a lot to celebrate.
*As the day goes on, you, Nat and Wanda have found dresses and even got a tuxedo for Bucky. Despite his protests.*
*later that night*
CB: I must say, Tony. I am impressed.
TS: Why thank you.
Ban: I have to ask. How did you convince Thor and Loki to go black tie?
TS: I didn't. They did that on their own.
CB: Loki even changed his look.
TS: They said they didn't want to stand out.
SR: Good evening gentlemen.

TS: Hello boys. Barnes, I almost didn't recognize you.
Bar: I'm going to take that as a compliment.
TO: Gentlemen, this is a wonderful party.
LL: I must say you have outdone yourself.
CB: Where are the ladies?
TS: Fashionably late. But I do see Pepper. If you'll excuse me.
*He approaches her.*
TS: Excuse me, miss. Would you like to dance?
Pep: I would love to.
Ban: There's Nat. Excuse me fellas.
*He walks up to Nat and greets her with a drink. She takes his arm and they walk away.*
Bar: Bruce and Nat? I would not have guessed that.
SR: It was only a matter of time.
Bar: Well, I guess it's my turn.
*He walks away leaving Steve to wonder what he's talking about. Until he sees Wanda coming down. She takes Bucky's arm and they head for the bar. He looks up and sees you coming down.*
SR: You look beautiful.
Y/N: You don't look too bad yourself.
SR: I heard you met with Bruce this morning.
Y/N: He drew some blood. I won't know anything for a few weeks.
SR: There's nothing to worry about. Shall we get a drink?
Y/N: Did Tony supply anything without alcohol?
SR: Believe it or not, he did.
TS: Can I have everyone's attention?

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