Parts 113 & 114

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*You've just finished singing. You grab your jacket and run out the front door. You turn when you hear his voice.*
SR: You promised you wouldn't leave.
Y/N: So, I wasn't hallucinating.
SR: Afraid not.
Y/N: What are you doing here?
SR: Isn't it obvious?
Y/N: Steve, before you say anything...
*A man comes from behind and wraps his arms around your waist.*
??: That was wonderful, baby. As always.
Y/N: Thank you.
SR: Y/N?
??: Who's this?
Y/N: Oh, this is Steve. He's an old friend.
??: It's nice to meet you. My name is Colin.
SR: Nice to meet you. How do you two know each other?
Y/N: Colin is my, uh...
C: I'm her fiance.
Y/N: What brings you here?
SR: I, uh...I was in town and heard you were here. I was hoping we could catch up.
Y/N: I would love to but...
C: Why don't you go?
Y/N: Colin...
C: It's okay. Go. I'll see you tomorrow.
Y/N: Okay then.
SR: Why don't we go somewhere and get a bite?

Y/N: I see you got your memories back.
SR: It was the weirdest thing. I was getting ready for my date and I found this envelope in my drawer.
Y/N: Tony finally gave in.
SR: No. Pepper snuck it in there.
Y/N: Remind me to thank her.
SR: I will do that. So, you and Colin?
Y/N: What about me and Colin?
SR: When is the wedding?
Y/N: Next Saturday.
SR: I guess this means I'm too late.
Y/N: I guess so.
SR: Are you happy?
Y/N: I am. What about you? You haven't found someone?
SR: I did. But it didn't work out.
Y/N: I'm sorry to hear that. What happened?
SR: I realized she wasn't the one.
Y/N: I'm sure you'll find her someday.
SR: I already have. But it looks like she found someone else.
Y/N: Look, it's getting late. I really should go. It was good to see you.
*you leave*
B: Another drink for you.
SR: I didn't order this.
B: They did.
*The bartender points to the end of the bar. Steve walks up to them.*
SR: How are you two ladies this evening?

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