Parts 242 & 243

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CB: So AJ belongs to Steve...
Pep: But Sav isn't his? How?
NR: When Steve found her in Georgia, she was engaged to another man.
WM: Steve was at the wedding. He objected. She left with him.
TS: I'm sure you can put two and two together.
Pep: How am I just now hearing about this?
NR: How did Y/N take the news?
TS: Not well.
CB: How is Steve handling all of this?
Bar: As far as he's concerned, that's his little girl and he'll do anything for her.
WM: We need to find Colin.
TS: I've been working on that.
NR: He's not in Savannah?
TS: He packed up and left 18 months ago. No one knows where he went.
F: Boss, I have a lead.
*Meanwhile at the hospital.*
Y/N: How is she?
SR: No change. The doctor said you may get to come home in a couple of days.
Y/N: I don't want to go if she can't.
SR: Don't do this to yourself. We have another kid who wants his mommy. And another one on the way.
*Tony walks in*
SR: Hey there. Sorry to interrupt but I need to talk to Steve.
SR: I'll be right outside.
*They step into the hallway.*
SR: Well?
TS: I found him.
SR: Where at?
TS: Boston. He's a paramedic. I've already reached out. He'll be here tomorrow morning.

*The next day*
SR: How did he sound when you spoke to him?
TS: Like a civilized human being.
SR: Do we know when he'll be here?
TS: He just walked in.
*Steve turns around.*
C: Hello, Mr. Stark. Captain Rogers.
TS: Thank you for coming.
*There's a long awkward silence before Tony speaks again.*
TS: I'm going to leave the two of you alone.
*He leaves.*
SR: Listen, Colin...
C: Before you say anything, I want to apologize for the way I reacted back then.
SR: You had good reason.
C: How is she?
SR: She's still sore but she'll be alright. Tony told you why we need you?
C: He did.
SR: So, who do you want to see first?
*Bucky is sitting with you while AJ sits on the bed next to you playing with his toys.*
SR: Y/N, you have another visitor.
*You look over and see Colin in the doorway.*
Y/N: Colin.
*Bucky stands up and grabs AJ.*
Bar: Why don't we take this guy and get some lunch.
SR: Do you want me to stay?
Y/N: No. I'll be fine.
AJ: Daddy!
*Steve takes AJ from Bucky and they leave.*
C: More friends I didn't know about?
Y/N: The other guy is my dad and the boy is my son. Her twin brother.
C: Is know...
Y/N: Yours? No. He's Steve's boy.
*There's a long awkward silence.*
Y/N: I'm sorry for how it ended with us.
C: I'm sorry for what I said. I was out of line.

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