Parts 197 & 198

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??: So good to see you again.
*You frantically look around but see no one.*
SR: Are you ok?
Y/N: No. Something's not right.
??: You look worried.
Y/N mind: Who are you?
??: You may have captured Sharon, but you forgot she wasn't in charge.
SR: Baby, what's wrong?
Y/N: We need to leave. Now.
*Steve calls for the waitress and pays the bill. You race home to find the place is a mess and everyone is passed out.*
SR: What happened here?
Y/N: Where are they? Where are my babies?
*Tony wakes up.*
TS: How was dinner?
Y/N: Where are they?
TS: I underestimated how hard babies are. It took forever to get them to sleep.
SR: Tony, where are they now?
TS: We eventually had to call for reinforcements.
*Clint walks in.*
CB: That would be me.
Y/N: Will someone just tell me where they are?
CB: Relax. They're upstairs. Asleep.
*You run upstairs only to find empty cribs.*
Y/N: Steve!
SR: What's wrong?
Y/N: They're not here. Where are they?
*You suddenly hear AJ cry. You follow the sound to Nat's room.*
Y/N: Nat?
NR: Shhh. Savannah just fell asleep.
*You take AJ from her and go to your room. Steve follows with Savannah and sees you crying.*
SR: You want to tell me what happened?

Y/N: Back at the restaurant I heard a voice. He was talking to me.
SR: What did he say?
Y/N: He wanted to remind me that Sharon was not in charge. They're still out there.
SR: Did you see his face?
Y/N: No, I didn't. I need to get them out of here.
SR: We'll talk to Tony tomorrow. Why don't I bring their cribs in here for the night?
Y/N: Thank you.
SR: I'll be right back.
*He leaves the room and runs into Bucky and Clint.*
Bar: Is everything ok? I heard her running down the hall screaming.
CB: She seemed pretty freaked out.
SR: Help me move the cribs and I'll tell you what I know.
*The next morning*
CB: Where is she now?
SR: She was up all night worried something would happen. Bruce gave her something to help her sleep. Pepper and Wanda have the twins for the day.
*Tony walks in.*
TS:  I just got off the phone with Fury.
SR: What did he say?
TS: He went to interrogate Sharon this morning.
CB: Let me guess. She's not talking.
SR: Have they tried making a deal with her?
Bar: Many times.
TS: She won't be making any deals.
SR: What makes you say that?
TS: They went to her cell and found her. Dead.
SR: I thought the Raft was impenetrable.
CB: You do remember Y/N managed to break into that place, right?
Bar: It was pretty easy, actually. I'm surprised they didn't learn from that.
TS: Focus people. We are officially at square one.

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