Parts 74 & 75

762 13 1

Y/N: We need to find out what's on it.
SR: I don't want to chance doing it here.
Y/N: I know where we can go.
*at the mall*
Y/N: Why the undercover clothes?
SR: If Fury sent this, that means someone's looking for it.
*You enter a computer store and put the flash drive in one of the computers.*
SR: We've got to move fast.
Y/N: If you rush something, you'll screw it up.
SR: So what's on it?
Y/N: Wow. A lot of information that could take down Hydra. Look.
SR: A list of double agents.
Y/N: Fury's been busy.
SR: We've got to go.
*He grabs the flash drive and you leave the store. As you are on the escalator, you see a Hydra agent coming from the opposite direction.*
SR: We've got company.
Y/N: Follow my lead.
*You grab him and start kissing him.*
SR: Remind me to finish what you started.
*Back at Sam's house.*
NR: Where did you two run off to?
SR: I'm going to tell you something but only because I trust you.
*You and Steve tel them about what's on the drive.*
NR: If we could get a hold of one of these guys we might find our assassin.
Y/N: Of all these names, who stands out as the weakest?
SW: This one. I want to help but I need to stop and get something first.
SR: Do you mind me asking what?
SW: This.
*He throws a file on the table in front of Steve. Steve picks it up.*
SR: You told me you were a pilot.
SW: I never said pilot.
NR: What are we waiting for?
Y/N: Let's go.

*You and Steve find the guy you're looking for and take him to a rooftop.*
SR: Who is he?
JS: I don't know what you're talking about.
SR: Don't play dumb with me.
Y/N: I will drop you off this roof if you don't start talking.
JS: You wouldn't kill me.
SR: You're right. But she would.
*You send a blast that sends him flying off the roof.*
Y/N: It's been a bad day. I needed a release.
SR: If that's what makes you feel better.
*Out of nowhere comes Sam, flying up with Sitwell in his hands. He drops him on the roof before he lands.*
NR: Last chance. Who is he?
JS: Hydra's top assassin. Very well trained. Very successful. Until now.
SR: Why was he trying to kill Y/N?
JS: Because Sharon couldn't get the job done.
Y/N: Do you know where to find this guy?
JS: Maybe.
*You hold him over the edge.*
Y/N: And this time Sam can't save you.

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