Parts 232 & 233

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*One week later, you've just come from Pietro's funeral and Wanda still hasn't said a word. Bucky has been trying to get her tp open up but he's not having any luck.*
Bar: She'll let me hold her but I can't get her to talk.
SR: You've got to have patience, Buck.
Y/N: You've got to understand, she just lost her twin. Something like that takes time to heal.
Bar: I just wish she would let me in.
Y/N: When was the last time she ate?
Bar: I honestly don't know.
*You fix a plate to take up to Wanda.*
Y/N: Wish me luck.
SR: Good luck.
*You walk upstairs and knock on her door.*
Y/N: Wanda? I brought you something to eat.
*She doesn't answer.*
Y/N: Alright. I'm coming in.
*You walk in and see her curled up on the bed.. You sit next to her and put the plate next to you.*
Y/N: Talk to me.
WM: What do you want me to say?
Y/N: Anything. You haven't said a word all week.
WM: He was my other half.
Y/N: I know. But he wouldn't want you to do this to yourself.
WM: You're right. He wouldn't.
Y/N: Ok. First things first. You need to eat.
*One hour later*
SR: She's been up there for a while.
Bar: Should we take that as a good sign?
TS: Whatever she said worked.
*Steve and Bucky both look up and see you and Wanda coming down the stairs. They walk over as you reach the bottom step.*
WM: Bucky, I'm sorry...
Bar: Stop. Don't be. You have nothing to be sorry for.
SR: What did you say to her?
Y/N: Does it matter? I got her out of her room, didn't I?

*A few weeks have gone by. Savannah hasn't been feeling well off and on for quite a while so you're taking her to the doctor's.*
SR: Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?
Y/N: We'll be fine. You find something to do with AJ and we'll be back before you know it.
SR: I'll have dinner ready when you get back.
Y/N: That would be great.
SR: Come here. princess.
*He stoops down and picks her up.*
SR: You be good for Mommy, ok?
*She very sleepily nods her head. Steve hands her to you and then reaches down for AJ.*
Y/N: Have fun with Daddy.
AJ: Bye bye Mama.
Y/N: Bye bye little man.
*You strap Savannah in her car seat and leave. A few hours go by and you still haven't returned. Steve calls Bucky.*
SR: Hey, Buck. Is Y/N over there?
Bar: I haven't talked to her today. Why? What's going on?
SR: She took Savannah to the doctor earlier. She said she would call after but I haven't heard from her.
Bar: What time was the appointment?
SR: 2:00.
Bar: That was 4 hours ago.
SR: I know. It's not like her not to call.
Bar: Let me ask the others and I'll call you back.
*Steve hangs up.*
SR: What now, little man?
AJ: Daddy, I hungy. (hungry)
SR: Let's eat while we wait for Papaw to call back.
*One hour later, AJ has been fed and bathed. No one has heard from you yet. Tony has started calling police in the area. There's a knock on the door.*
SR: Can I help you?

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