Parts 193 & 194

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Pep: What are you doing down here? You should be resting.
SR: I couldn't stop her.
Y/N: I got hungry. I have to eat.
Pep: How about I make you two some lunch?
Y/N: Lunch? What time is it?
Pep: A little after 1 pm.
WM: I'll hold AJ while you eat.
SR: Careful. He's already established himself as a mama's boy.
WM: We'll be alright. Won't we?
*She continues the baby talk as she leaves the room with AJ.*
Y/N: She's going to be a great mom someday.
Pep: How about I take Savannah from you so you can eat.
SR: Thanks, Pepper.
*You and Steve have your lunch at the counter in the kitchen while everyone gathers in the living room with the babies.*
Y/N: You realize that now that they're here we don't exist. Right?
SR: I can see that. It also means that we can start planning our wedding.
Y/N: Let's start with things I don't have to leave the compound for.
SR: Ok then. How about a date?
Y/N: Next spring. Next.
SR: Flowers?
Y/N: Lilies.
SR: Indoor or outdoor?
Y/N: Outdoor.
SR: The garden?
Y/N: I'll get back to you on that.
SR: Colors?
Y/N: Hmm. To be determined.
SR: Bridesmaids?
Y/N: Stupid question. Groomsmen?
SR: Already taken care of.
Y/N: Ok. No more questions. Let's go find our kids.

*The next few weeks go by and not only are you busy taking care of twin infants, but also planning a wedding and designing your new house. With all of this going on, you're starting to feel worn down.*
Pep: Any word on progress of the new house?
Y/N: It probably won't be done until next fall.
NR: You're ok with that? I would think you'd want it done faster.
Y/N: I'm fine with it. Really, I am.
SR: There you are. Got any plans today?
Pep: We're going dress shopping. Why do you ask?
SR: The contractor asked to meet with us.
Y/N: Didn't we talk to him this morning?
SR: Yes. But he's got something he wants to show us.
*At that moment, you hear one of the babies cry on the monitor.*
SR: I'll go get her.
Y/N: I'll go. It's AJ and he's hungry.
*You go upstairs to get AJ.*
Pep: Is she feeling ok?
SR: She hasn't said anything but I can see she's not feeling good.
Y/N: (on monitor) It's ok, baby. Mommy's here. I'm sorry but I'm having a tough day too. I'm being pulled in ten different directions at once.
NR: Did you know she felt like this?
SR: No, I didn't.
Pep: Steve, she's not ok.
Y/N: (on monitor) I just don't know if I can deal with all of this. Caterers, contractors, florists. It's all so much. It's harder with no sleep.
TS: How did we not see this coming?
Y/N: (on monitor) I just hope I can give you the beautiful life you deserve.
SR: Turn that thing off.

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