Part 22 & 23

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The next morning, You're limping to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.
Y/N: Good morning.
NR: Good morning. Are you ok?
TS: Why are you limping?
Y/N: I...uh...I got up to use the bathroom last night uh...hit my knee on the dresser.
TS: You should be more careful. I'll be in my workshop if you need me.
After he leaves, Nat turns to you and smiles.
NR: Did you have fun last night?
Y/N: The party? I did have fun.
Steve enters the kirchen.
SR: Good morning everybody.
NR: Good morning...dresser.
She winks at you and leaves.
SR: What did she mean by that?
Y/N: She means she knows better and has excellent hearing.
SR: I see.
Y/N: Yeah, well I'm going back upstairs to shower and then I'm headed to the lab.
He smiles as you limp away. You smile as you hear him think...
SR mind: Yep. I did that.
As you reach your room you see Nat leaned up against her doorway as if she's waiting for you.
NR: Did you hear all the commotion last night?
Y/N: What commotion?
NR: It sounded like two people moaning and groaning last night. It went on for a while.
You stop and motion for her to come to your room. She crosses the hall and you close the door behind you.
Y/N: Ok, so you obviously know what happened last night.
NR: Obviously.
Y/N: Could you not say anything to Uncle Tony? I'm not sure how he'd take it.
NR: He'll eventually find out but ok. I won't say anything.
Y/N: Or anyone else.
NR: Ugh. Fine.
There's a knock on the door.

Ban: Hey Y/N. I was wondering if I could speak to you.
Y/N: Of course.
Ban: I'm going to find Tony. I'll meet you in the lab.
*in the lab*
TS: This better be good. I was in the middle of something.
Ban: I have the results of your tests.
Y/N: And?
Ban: Whatever they did to you gave you mind control powers.
Y/N: Like mind reading?
Ban: Yes.
Y/N: So all those voices I kept hearing...
TS: Would be the thoughts of everyone around you.
Y/N: You said powers. What else is there?
Ban: Mind manipulation. You could basically make someone do something they don't want to do.
Y/N: Oh, that's gonna be fun.
TS: There's also telepathy. You hear their thoughts, them hearing yours.
Ban: And finally telekinesis.
Y/N: What?
Ban: The ability to move things with your mind. Tony, with proper training she could be an asset to the team.
Y/N: I could be an Avenger?
TS: With time and practice. But no going on missions until I think you're ready.
Y/N: When do we start?
Ban: First thing tomorrow.

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