Parts 273 & 274 - Dr. Strange & the Infinity Stones

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Y/N: Can we stop for a moment?
TS: Can't keep up?
Y/N: Well, with three kids it's hard to find the time to run.
TS: You don't run with your husband?
Y/N: I made that mistake once. I won't do it again.
TS: Ah, yes. Super soldier, top speed.
Y/N: Why don't you run with Pepper?
TS: She runs with me sometimes. She's not feeling good today.
Y/N: Uncle Tony, can I ask you a question?
TS: Fire away.
Y/N: What's this?
*You point to the contraption on his chest.*
TS: This? I'm glad you asked. It's a little something I've been working on.
Y/N: I can't wait to hear this.
TS: My new suit. Thanks to nano tech.
Y/N: Nano tech?
TS: Yeah. It's where...
Y/N: I'm well aware of what it is. How does Pepper feel about it?
TS: Like I should take a page from you and Steve's book and step back.
Y/N: You know, there's a lot to be said for it.
SS: Tony Stark?
*You and Tony look over to see a man stepping out of some kind of portal.*
TS: Who's asking?
SS: I'm Dr. Stephen Strange. We need your help.
TS: Who exactly is we?
*A familiar face steps out from behind Strange.*
Y/N: Bruce?
Ban: Hey Y/N. Hi Tony.
*He walks up to Tony and pulls him into a hug.*
SS: We need to go somewhere to talk. Privately.

Y/N: So let me get this straight. You ended up on another planet living as the Hulk this whole time until Thor found you. And there's an alien looking for the Infinity stones.
Bar: Sounds crazy doesn't it?
TS: Let's get right down to it. Why do you need me?
SS: What do you know about the Infinity stones?
Y/N: Only what Thor told us. Which unfortunately wasn't much.
W: There are six of them. They each represent something necessary for existence.
SS: Space...reality...power...soul...mind...and time.
TS: What happens if he finds them all?
Ban: He can do whatever he wants with just a snap of his fingers.
Y/N: So we have to find them before he does.
SS: That's where the problem lies.
TS: Why is that a problem?
SS: They're scattered throughout the universe.
TS: Well you have one of them.
Y/N: Vision has one. That's why Firy sent Steve to find him.
TS: Where's the Tesseract?
Ban: Loki gave it to him. Right before he killed him.
TS: That leaves three unaccounted for.
Ban: Two. He already had one when he attacked us.
Y/N: Bruce, where's Thor?
Ban: I wish I knew.

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