Parts 309 & 310

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*Later that day, you, Steve, Nat and Scott meet up at a diner with a new and improved Bruce Banner.*
SL: How did you do this?
Y/N: And why?
Ban: When we lost, I lost twice. First as Hulk, then Banner.
NR: Bruce...
Ban: Hear me out. I stopped looking at the Hulk as the disease and started looking at him as the cure. So, after fifteen months in the lab, here I am.
Y/N: We're getting off subject here.
SR: Is it possible?
Ban: Quantum realm? Time travel? To be honest, that's something I don't know about. And Tony won't help?
Y/N: He's got a family to take care of.
Ban: I will say this all seems far fetched...
Y/N: But you managed to pull this off.
NR: Did you ever think it wasn't possible?
Ban: Like I said, it's out of my field of expertise. But if you're set on doing this...
Y/N: We are. With or without you.
SR: Preferably with you.
Ban: Ok. I'm in. You said the machine is in your van? Have it inside the compound tomorrow morning. I'll take a look at it and see what I can do.
Y/N: Thanks Bruce. This means a lot.
*Later that night*
Y/N: Do you think this will work?
SR: Now you're having doubts?
Y/N: I don't know.
SR: You think Tony's right?
Y/N: I don't want to lose what we have either.
SR: Tomorrow is just a test run. Let's get some sleep.
*You toss and turn but can't get to sleep. When you're sure Steve is asleep, you get dressed and leave to talk to the man you know can get the job done.*

TS: So does your husband know you're here?
Y/N: I kinda snuck out. Couldn't sleep.
TS: You're here to change my mind.
Y/N: Bruce is on board. But we need you.
TS: Give me one good reason.
Y/N: I can give you several. Sam, Wanda, Dad...
TS: That's not fair.
Y/N: What about Peter Parker? I know you have a soft spot for the kid.
TS: That was a low blow.
Y/N: I'm sorry. But don't you think they deserve a chance?
TS: Let me think about it.
*Later that night, Tony is cleaning up in his kitchen when he sees something that may change his mind. A picture of him...and Peter.*
TS: Damn it.
*One hour later*
TS: Friday, let's run another model before calling it a night.
F: You got it, boss.
TS: Why don't we pull up the last sim and invert it.
F: Processing now...
TS: Give me a value of that particle...
*He reaches his hand in and moves things around.*
TS: Factor in spectral decomp. That'll take a second.
F: Just a moment.
TS: Don't worry if it doesn't pan out, I'm just kinda...
F: Model rendered.
*Friday shows the the model is successful. Tony is in such shock, he drops into his chair.*
TS: Shit!

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