Parts 240 & 241

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*The next morning*
SR: Hey, Buck. How is she?
Bar: No change. The doctor was up here looking for you.
SR: He must have the test results.
Bar: I'm going to see Y/N and then head home.
*Bucky leaves as the doctor walks up.*
Dr: Mr. Rogers. I'm glad I found you.
SR: Do you have the test results?
Dr: I do. Please have a seat.
*One hour later, you're talking to your dad when Steve walks in.*
Y/N: Hey handsome.
SR: Hey there.
Bar: I'm gonna go. I'll have Wanda bring AJ later today.
*After he leaves, you notice Steve just standing in the doorway.*
Y/N: Steve, what's wrong?
SR: I need to talk to you about something.
Y/N: You're scaring me.
SR: The doctor gave me the test results.
Y/N: And?
SR: Your dad had himself tested. He may be a blood relative but he's not a match.
Y/N: By the look on your face I can tell there's more.
SR: We had AJ tested. He's close but not close enough.
Y/N: That just leaves you.
SR: There's no easy way to say this.
Y/N: You're not a match either.
SR: No, I'm not.
Y/N: There's something you're not telling me.
SR: I'm not a match...because I'm not her father.

*You look at him in silence notknowing what to say.*
SR: AJ is mine, but she and I don't share the same DNA.
*You're still too stunned to speak.*
SR: Please say something.
*You burst into tears.*
Y/N: I'm sorry. Steve, I'm so sorry.
SR: Hey, stop. You have nothing to be sorry for.
Y/N: But she's not...
SR: Don't finish that sentence. We may not share the same blood, but she is my daughter. She always will be. And I'll do anything for her.
Y/N: Really?
SR: Of course. She's my princess.
Y/N: So what do we do now?
SR: We need to find him.
Y/N: Do you think he would help after what happened?
SR: We can only ask. I've already got Tony looking for him.
*Steve's phone rings.*
SR: It's Tony. I'll be right back.
*He steps out into the hall.*
TS: Does she know?
SR: She does. I told her.
TS: How did she take it?
SR: Not good. Did you find him?
TS: After what happened, he left Georgia. No one there knows where he went.
SR: Or they're not talking. So now what?
TS: You go be with your wife and daughter. I'll keep looking. We'll find him.
SR: I hope you're right.
TS: I usually am.

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