The Prisoner (Parts 15 & 16)

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NR: Y/N? Are you ok?
You try to pull yourself together and then open the door.
Y/N: Hey, Nat. Before you go any further, I'm fine and the date went well. I'm gonna shower and go to bed.
NR: If you wanna talk, I'm right across the hall.
Y/N: Thanks, Nat.
NR: Good night. Get some rest.
Y/N: Good night.
*later that night*
Y/N: Please stop...please...I'm begging you...don't do!
You wake up in a cold sweat and decide to go downstairs for a drink. You pour yourself some orange juice and are startled by a shadow in the corner.
Y/N: Who are you?
??: Someone who knows your secrets.
You start to panic.
Y/N: Step out and let me see your face.
He steps into the light.
Y/N: I'll ask again. Who are you?
LL: My name is Loki and your mind tricks won't work on me.
Y/N: What mind tricks?
LL: Ah, I see. You don't know your full potential.
Y/N: How did you get in?
LL: Your friends brought me in. Did you know they think that cell they put me in could hold me?
Just then an alarm goes off.
LL: It seems they have discovered my disappearance. Time to take my lead.
He vanishes. The team comes down.
TO: He's not in his cell.
SR: Then where is he?
CB: I thought you said that cell would hold him.
TS: I designed it to keep him in.
NR: Well something went wrong with it.
Ban: I'll check it out while you go look for him.
Y/N: He vanished into thin air. My guess is that he could be anywhere.

Ban: You saw him?
Y/N: Yeah. I came down for a drink and he was standing over there.
TS: He was here in the kitchen?
Y/N: Yeah. As soon as the alarm went off he vanished.
TO: That sounds like him.
TS: Great. Alright, tomorrow me and Bruce will work on a better cell. Thor...
TO: I will begin the search.
TS: Now that that's settled, let's go back to bed.
After the team heads upstairs, you and Steve are left alone.
SR: Can I ask you a question?
Y/N: If it's about earlier, I'm sorry. There were things that happened to me that I thought I was over. Guess I was wrong.
SR: Wanna talk about it? It might help.
You think for a minute.
Y/N: Alright. But you can't tell Uncle Tony. It would only upset him more.
SR: I promise.
Y/N: Have a seat.
He sits across from at the table and you take a deep breath.

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