Parts 79 & 80

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*You've been following one lead after another. All of which have led to dead ends. You're staring out of the window of your hotel room wondering if it was a good idea when Nat and Wanda walk in.*
NR: Y/N, we've got another lead.
Y/N: You mean another dead end.
WM: You can't give up now.
NR: Let me ask you this. Why are you doing this?
Y/N: I know he's in there. The man I knew is still in there. I just need to find him and bring him back. Where's this lead taking us?
NR: Bucharest.
Y/N: Alright. We leave in the morning.
*You head off to bed.*
WM: She's losing hope.
NR: She misses Steve.
WM: Let's do something about that.
*at the compound*
TS: You need to stop moping. You're bringing everybody down.
SR: Tony, it's been months. She hasn't contacted me once.
TS: That just means she's still looking and is too busy to call.
SR: I miss her, Tony.
TS: We all do. You're lucky. Wanda called me this morning.
SR: What did she have to say?
TS: They may have actually found him. And they might need backup.
SR: What are you saying?
TS: The quinjet is ready to go as soon as you and Sam are.
*Steve runs off to get Sam but stops when he reaches the doorway.*
SR: Thanks, Tony.
TS: Just bring them home. Alive.

*in Bucharest*
Y/N: Any sign of him yet?
WM: No. He usually walks through here every day at this time.
NR: Give him time. We're not on any time crunch.
Y/N: I just want to find him and get him home.
NR: I think I see him.
WM: Where at?
Y/N: I see him. He's crossing the street towards the produce stand.
NR: Even assassins gotta eat.
Y/N: He can't be staying far from here. He walked over.
NR: I can tell you which building but not which apartment.
SR: Maybe I can help with that.
Y/N: Hey handsome.
SR: Hey baby girl.
NR & WM: You're welcome.
SW: I hate to break up this happy reunion but I see your guy and he's on the move.
Y/N: He looks spooked.
NR: Do you think he saw us?
SR: I don't know but we need to work fast. What's the plan?
Y/N: Uh...I knew we forgot something.
WM: We're just kind of winging it.
SR: I thought you knew better, Romanoff.
NR: I'm not in charge, Rogers.
Y/N: Alright. Enough you two. Steve, what do you think we should do?
SR: Keep an eye out for local authorities while I talk to him.
Y/N: How do you know which place is his?
SR: Because I'm standing in it. And he's here.
SR (to Bar): Do you remember me?
Bar: You're the guy from the bridge.
SW (over coms): Police are moving in.

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