Parts 224 & 225

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*After dinner, you have dessert and then everyone leaves. You take the twins up for a bath and then put them to bed. You come back down and see Steve cleaning up the kitchen. You come up from behind and wrap your arms around him.*
Y/N: Leave it.
SR: What?
Y/N: It's been a long day. We'll clean up tomorrow. Come to bed.
SR: You go on up and take a bath while I finish up down here. I'll be up in a bit.
Y/N: Ok. Don't be long.
*You go upstairs and draw yourself a hot bath. You get in and relax to the point where you start to doze off. You're startled by the sound of Steve's voice.*
SR: Hey beautiful.
Y/N: Don't scare me like that.
SR: I didn't realize how tired you are.
Y/N: Me either. But it has been a long day.
SR: Come on. Let's get you to bed.
*He helps you out of the tub and carries you to the bedroom. He puts you down and you stare at him while wrapped in a towel. He reaches down and places a kiss on your lips. You drop your towel as you kiss him back. He wraps his arms around you and you wrap your arms around his neck.*
SR: Are you up for it?
Y/N: With you, always.

*The next morning*
Y/N: Good morning, handsome.
SR: Good morning, beautiful.
Y/N: Do you have any special plans for the day?
SR: My plan is to spend a quiet day at home with my family.
*You suddenly hear Savannah crying from her room.*
Y/N: So much for quiet. I'll go.
*When you get to her room and see her, you yell for Steve.*
Y/N: Steve! Can you come in here?
SR: What's wrong?
Y/N: She got sick in her bed. And she's burning up.
SR: I'll get the thermometer.
*He comes back and takes her temperature.*
SR: 101.7. I'm calling the doctor.
Y/N: I'm going to give her a cool bath.
AJ: Mama!
SR: I'll get him. You take care of her.
*You get her in the tub and clean her up. You get her in some clean clothes and take her temperature again.*
Y/N: 100.9. That's a little better.
SR: I stripped her bed and started the washing machine.
Y/N: Thanks. How does he feel?
SR: He feels fine.
Y/N: Let's keep them separated for now. What did the doctor say?
SR: Get her some fever reducer and keep an eye on her.
Y/N: I don't think we have any. Can you run to the store?
SR: I'll take AJ with me.
*Steve takes AJ to the store while you get Savannah to sleep. You put her in your bed so you can change her sheets. You hear a phone and realize Steve left it behind.*
Y/N: Hi, Uncle Tony.

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