Parts 30 & 31

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NR: Is that why you were freaked out at the mall?
Y/N: Too many people. No control.
SR: Were you going to tell us before now?
Y/N: I didn't want to say anything until the time was right.
CB: Whose crazy idea was this?
TS: It was hers.
SR: And you agreed?
Ban: We're the ones who arranged the meeting between them.
SR: You're in on this as well?
Y/N: He's going to be closely watched while he's training me. Thor will be...
SR: You got Thor to help as well?
Y/N: Look, you can be mad or you can agree to this. Regardless, this is happening.
You storm out and head to your room. While laying on the bed wondering if this was actually a good idea, there's a knock on the door.
SR: Can I come in?
You open the door and he can see you've been crying.
Y/N: What do you want?
SR: To apologize. For the way I acted. I was out of control and I should not have yelled at you like that.
Y/N: It's ok. I should've told you about my powers when I found out. I was just waiting for the right time.
He gives you a kiss.
SR: So, you can read minds?
Y/N: Yep.
SR: Should I be embarrassed?
SR mind: Oh my god, what did I think? What did she hear?
Y/N: You thought the same thing I was thinking and I heard it all.

*Time jump: 3 months later*
You've been training with Loki who has proven to be more trustworthy than expected. You're learning how to better control your powers and have gotten pretty good at it. Your relationship with Steve is great and you've managed to keep Tony from knowing about it. You've also managed to keep Steve from hearing learning Hydra is still looking for you.
NR: Are you ever giong to tell him?
Y/N: Which one?
NR: Both. You can't keep things from them forever.
Y/N: You're right. I know you're right. I have to tell them.
NR: You'll feel better when the truth is out.
Y/N: Alright. I'll tell Steve about Hydra when I get back from the store.
NR: And Tony?
Y/N: After dinner. But right now, it's my turn for grocery shopping. I'll be back in an hour.
You get to the store and get out of the car. Then you get that funny feeling that you're being watched. Out of nowhere, you feel two arms wrap your waist. At first you think it's Steve but then he opens his mouth.
??: Don't react. Don't turn around. Just smile and walk with me.
He takes you around the corner to a black car.
??: Get in.
You get in the backseat and after he closes the door, the driver takes off.
Y/N: What do you want?
??: Someone wants a word with you.
He injects you with something that makes you sleepy. Before you pass out you hear him say...
??: Ditch the phone.

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