The First Date (Parts 13 & 14)

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Y/N: I am so happy to see you guys.
TS: It was easy. No big deal.
You play back the news footage.
TS: Ok, maybe it was a big deal.
Everyone heads upstairs leaving you and Steve alone.
SR: Now that we're back, how about that date?
Y/N: Where and when?
SR: Meet me downstairs at 6.
At 6:00, Steve is patiently waiting for you downstairs.
SR: You look beautiful.
Y/N: Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself.
SR: Are you ready?
Y/N: Ready as I'll ever be.
SR: Let's go. (he offers his arm and you take it)
Y/N: Let's go.
*later that evening at the restaurant*
SR: So, I want to know more about you.
Y/N: You first.
SR: Everything you want to know about me is at the Smithsonian.
Y/N: You'll have to take me there someday.
SR: Someday. Alright, my turn for questions.
Y/N: Uh oh. Fire away.
SR: How old were you when you were kidnapped?
Y/N: I wasn't. I was born while mom was being held captive.
SR: So does that mean your dad works for Hydra?
Y/N: I assume so. I rarely saw him.
SR: Do you even know his name?
Y/N: You know what? I never knew his name.

SR: Did they love each other?
Y/N: She loved him. She always said one day we would be free and be a real family.
SR: Do you know what happened to him?
You shake your head.
Y/N: We escaped right after he stopped coming around.
SR: Do you mind me asking what happened to your mom?
Y/N: I don't know the details. I just know she died. Let's change the subject. It's hard to talk about.
SR: I'm sorry. I'll remember that on our next date.
Y/N: Are you asking for another date?
SR: If you don't mind.
Y/N: Not one bit.
SR: Well, it's getting late. We should get back.
*at the compound*
Y/N: I had a good time.
SR: I did too.
All you can do is stare into his eyes.
SR mind: I want to kiss her so bad right now.
Knowing he's thinking the same, you pull him into a gentle kiss. He wraps his arms around you as the kiss becomes deeper.
Y/N: Let's continue this upstairs.
SR: Are you sure?
You nod. He leads you to his room and closes the door. As the make out session continues, he lays you down on the bed. As he makes his way to your chest you get images of a masked man doing the same. Images you'd rather forget.
Y/N: Steve. wait.
SR: What's wrong?
Y/N: I thought I could do this but I can't. I'm sorry.
You grab your shoes and run down the hall to your room, locking the door. As you're sitting on the floor crying, there's a knock on the door.

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