Parts 375 & 376

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SW: I'll make that call.
Y/N: Also get me a list of all employees that were hired within the last six months.
NR: What are you thinking?
Y/N: If this was an inside job, there's a chance that they wouldn't go back.
SR: They got what they came for. Their job is done.
Bar: Or they stayed to avoid suspicion.
SW: They're gonna send that over. It may take a few minutes.
SR: In the meantime, let's see what security footage we can get our hands on.
Y/N: While you guys do that, I'm gonna get lunch ready for the little ones.
NR: I'll help you.
WM: I'll go check on them.
*You and Nat go to the kitchen while Wanda goes upstairs.*
Y/N: So, how are things between you and Sam?
NR: Good. We thought it would be weird at first since he was gone for five years, but it hasn't.
Y/N: I'm glad you gave him another chance.
NR: Me too.
*Wanda comes in carrying Sarah.*
WM: Someone wants her mommy.
Sar: Mama!
*She lunges toward you. You take her in your arms.*
Y/N: Hey there, sweet girl. Are you hungry?
Sar: Bana!
Y/N: Bananas it is.
WM: I'm going back for the other two.
NR: I'll help you.
*Nat and Wanda leave the kitchen as Steve walks in with the list.*
SR: Hey there.
Sar: Dada!
*She reaches for Steve and he takes her from you.*
SR: Come here, angel.
Y/N: I'll trade you that list for some bananas.
*You take the list from him and he takes the plate. You both go back to the dining room as Nat and Wanda come back in carrying Becca and Stevie.*

NR: Is that the list?
WM: How many were out the next day?
SR: How many were hired recently?
Bar: Any names stand out?
Y/N: Whoa, slow down. Yes, this is the list. Eight people were out that day. Five of them are recent hires. A couple of these names I've never heard of.
Bar: So let's go through them one by one.
SW: This guy's in the hospital. Emergency appendectomy.
Y/N: That leaves four.
WM: Scratch her off. Her son was sick. She stayed home with him.
Y/N: Three left. Who's next?
Bar: That leaves two.
SW: And I know about either one of them.
Y/N: I'll do some digging. See what I can find out about them.
SW: I can do it. I'm there every day.
Y/N: No offense but I bet I can find him faster than you.
SW: What makes you think that?
Y/N: Two words. Sharon Carter.
SW: What about her?
NR: Three men looked for her for weeks with no progress.
WM: Y/N found her in a matter of days.
NR: By herself.
SR: Sorry, Sam. My money's on Y/N.
Bar: I'm with them on this.
SW: What makes you think I can't do it?
Y/N: Because while this whole conversation was taking place I found one of them.
SR: Told ya.
Y/N: This one got called out of town on a family emergency. He's in St. Louis until further notice.
Bar: And the other one?
Y/N: Is the mystery.

Hidden SecretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora