Parts 207 & 208

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Bar: She said something about small water tanks?
SR: She did. It didn't make sense.
Bar: Those are cryogenic chambers. For the others.
TS: Who are they?
Bar: They were chosen from Russia's most elite force. You wouldn't believe the things they could do.
TS: Such as?
Bar: They could take a whole country in one night and you wouldn't see it coming.
SR: This keeps getting better and better.
Bar: If he frees them, we're screwed.
*Hours later, the three of them land outside of a Hydra base in Siberia.*
SR: This is the place?
Bar: Yep. This is the place.
SR: He must be expecting us. The door is open.
*They enter cautiously walking down a long hallway the leads to a large room. The light come on revealing the cryogenic chambers.*
HZ: Welcome home, soldier.

Bar: I wouldn't call it that.
HZ: Then what would you call it?
Bar: Hell on Earth.
SR: Is there anyone else here with you?
HZ: Just my super soldiers. They are all I need.
TS: They're no good if they're frozen.
HZ: They won't be for long. I am bringing them back to life as we speak.
*Bucky looks their way and sees a hand move.*
Bar: Steve, they're waking up.
TS: Then let's knock them out for good.
*They proceed to fight the soldiers. They quickly realize how easy it seems to be. Their bodies didn't get a chance to adjust before the battle. Bucky looks around and notices Zemo disappeared.*
Bar: Where did he go?
SR: He ran outside.
TS: I'll clean up. Go find him.
Bucky and Steve run outside to find Zemo.*
HZ: Do you want to hear something funny?
Bar: Why not? I could use a good laugh.
HZ: I knew I wouldn't get away with it and I tried it anyway.
SR: You're going away for a long time.
*Two days later in Wakanda.*
WM: You ok over there?
Y/N: Yeah. I'm just ready for all of this to be over.
SR: Good. Because it is.
Y/N: Steve?
*You run to him and jump into his arms.*
SR: Let's go home.

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