Parts 238 & 239

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SR: What seems to be the problem?
Dr: We ran the blood tests and something caught our attention.
SR: What does that mean?
Dr: They would like to run some extensive tests to get a more accurate result.
SR: How long will it take?
Dr: We can have results in 24 hours.
SR: Will she be ok in the meantime?
Dr: As long as she remains stable, she'll be fine.
SR: Do what you need to do.
Dr: You should know that her father had himself tested as well. Athough they are blood related, he's not a match.
SR: I'll let him know.
Dr: Is there a chance you would let us test your son?
SR: It's late. Can it wait until morning?
Dr: Of course.
SR: Where is my daughter?
Dr: She's been moved to intensive care.. You can see her anytime.
SR: Thank you.
*He comes back into your room.*
Y/N: Is everything ok?
SR: There was a problem with the test. They need to run it again.
Y/N: Where is she now?
SR: Intensive care.
Y/N: Go be with her. I can't stand the thought of her being alone.
SR: Get some rest.
*He gives you a kiss before leaving. He walks to intensive care and finds Savannah's room.*
SR: Ok, princess. I need you to fight for me.

*The next morning, Bucky and Wanda bring AJ to the hospital. Steve is waiting for them in the hall.*
AJ: Daddy!
SR: Hey there. Do you want to see Mommy?
AJ: Yea!
*Steve holds AJ's hand and they all walk in. AJ's smile turns to a frown when he sees you.*
Y/N: Hey there. What's wrong?
AJ: Are you hurt?
Y/N: Mommy hurts but I'll be ok. Don't worry about me.
AJ: Where's sissy?
Y/N: She's in another room. You can't see her yet. But I know how you can help her.
AJ: How?
SR: I'll tell you all about it on the way there. Wanda, can you come with us?
*Steve and Wanda take AJ to the lab. Bucky stays to visit.*
Bar: Hey doll. How are you feeling?
Y/N: I'm not gonna lie. It hurts everywhere.
Bar: Are they giving you anything for the pain?
Y/N: Not enough.
Bar: Is that because of the baby?
Y/N: You already know?
Bar: I was with Steve when he found out. Congratulations.
Y/N: Thanks. Have you seen Savannah yet?
Bar: No. Steve said it's too painful to see her like that.
Y/N: They won't let me see her.
Bar: It's probably best right now.
*Steve and Wanda return with AJ. After a few hours, Wanda notices AJ looks tired.*
WM: Someone's ready for a nap.
SR: He'll sleep on the way home.
Y/N: Go with them. Go home and get some sleep.
SR: What about you and Sav?
Y/N: I'll be fine.
Bar: I'll stay with Sav. AJ needs you too.
SR: I hate it when you're right.
*Steve and Wanda grab AJ and leave. Bucky goes to the ICU. You have dinner and fall fast asleep.*

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