Parts 56 & 57

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*You and Steve go upstairs and pack your bags before settling in for the night with a movie.*
Y/N: Are you going to tell me where we're going?
SR: No. I arranged everything and Tony is providing a private plane.
Y/N: I can't wait.
*You fall asleep anticipating the wonderful getaway you'll have.*
*Early next morning*
Y/N: When you said early morning, I didn't think you meant before the sun came up.
SR: You can sleep on the plane.
TS: I've got a driver to take you to the airport. He is to take you directly to the plane.
Y/N: Thank you so much.
SR: Thanks a lot, Tony. We really appreciate it.
TS: Get out of here. Enjoy.
*You give Tony a hug and you and Steve get in the car and leave. Tony turns to go back upstairs and sees Sharon standing there.*
TS: Sharon. What are you doing up?
SC: Couldn't sleep. Where are they going?
TS: Away for a few days. And no I don't know where. Good night.
*You've reached the airport and boarded the plane when your phone goes off.*
Y/N: It's Tony. He said to shut our phones off. Sharon saw us leave.
SR: I'm not worried about her.
Y/N: Just turn it off. We could enjoy this time much easier.

*You both shut off your phones and take off. After many hours, you land on a tropical island. You make it to the resort and get checked in.*
Y/N: Steve, this is beautiful.
SR: Nothing but the best for my girl. What should we do first?
Y/N: Well, we have our own hot tub. Might as well make the most of it.
*You enjoy the rest of your vacation. On the last day, you and Steve are on the beach taking in the sun one last time before leaving.*
Y/N: I wish we didn't have to go.
SR: Me neither. But all good things must come to an end.
Y/N: Promise me we'll come back here some day.
SR: I promise.
SR mind: Maybe for a honeymoon.
Y/N: You seem to have forgotten I can read minds.
SR: No, I didn't.
*You and Steve arrive back at the compound.*
Y/N: We're home!
PM: Hey lovebirds. How was it?
Y/N: It was wonderful. I'm going to unpack.
NR: I'm coming with you. You can tell me all about it.
*You and Nat head upstairs.*
SC: Steve. You're back.
SR: Hello, Sharon.
SC: Did you enjoy your trip?
SR: Yes, we did.
SC: That's right. You took her.
SR: Stop it, Sharon. You know I'm with her.
SC: Why would you want some dumb kid when you could have a real woman?
SR: How about the fact that she's not 'some dumb kid'. She's a beautiful and smart young woman who doesn't shamelessly throw herself at a guy who doesn't want her.
*Sharon stares at him in disbelief at what he just said.*
SR: Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going upstairs to find my girlfriend and unpack.

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