Off to Battle (Parts 11 & 12)

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SW: Stark? As in...
Y/N: Tony? Yeah, I'm his niece.
SW: I didn't think he had any family.
Y/N: A long story for another time.
Steve gets a text from Nat.
SR: Duty calls. Nat's picking us up. Fury called a meeting.
Y/N: For what?
SR: Don't know. Let's go find out.
Y/N: You find out. I need a shower. It was nice to meet you, Sam.
SW: Same here.
Nat pulls up.
NR: Get in. We gotta go.
*in the meeting room*
TS: Ok. Why are we here?
Fury: Because of this.
He throws a file on the table.
SR: The Tesseract.
NR: What's that?
SR: I had a run in with it back in the day.
NF: It's been safe and in our possession until now.
NR: Where is it now?
TO: Stolen. By my brother.
CB: You have a brother?
TS: Rogers, what do you know about this?
SR: That it should've been left alone.
NF: In the wrong hands it could cause a lot of damage.
You snuck in without anyone seeing you.
Y/N: I'm guessing it's in the wrong hands.
NF: I'm sorry. Who are you?
TS: She's my niece, Y/N.
NF: And she's here because...

TS: I'll explain later. Right now let's suit up. Time to go to work.
Y/N: I guess I'll hold down the fort.
TS: That would be best.
SR: You'll be safe here.
Everyone gets suited up and ready to go.
SR: We'll talk about that date when I get back.
Y/N: I'll be waiting. Be careful out there.
Steve gives you a kiss on the cheek and boards the quinjet. After they leave you decide to watch some TV. Hours later, you hear of their mission on the news. Finally, you hear the jet land.

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