Parts 329 & 330

196 6 2

*Savannah runs out of the house with Steve hot on her heels.*
SR: Savannah, wait!
Sav: No! You lied to me!
*He catches up to her and picks her up. She fights him the entire time.*
SR: I know. I'm sorry.
Sav: You promised no one would get hurt.
SR: Sav, stop. Listen to me.
Sav: Let go of me.
SR: Not until you listen to me.
Sav: Why should I?
SR: Please, just listen.
*She stops fighting him and hugs him tight.*
Sav: Will she be ok?
SR: She's going to be just fine.
Sav: Why did she do it?
SR: She did what she thought had to be done.
Sav: Why didn't you stop her?
*He puts her down and kneels in front of her.*
SR: I wasn't with her. I couldn't.
Sav: Did you know what it was?
SR: Yeah. You were going to get a little sister.
Sav: Really?
SR: Yeah, really.
Sav: When can I see Mommy?
SR: We can go right now.
Sav: I love you Daddy.
*He pulls her in close and holds her tight.*
SR: I love you too, princess. Now let's go find your brothers and go see Mom.
*that afternoon*
TS: How is she?
SR: Feeling better. She may get to come home tomorrow.
TS: You think she'll be ready?
SR: She said she would be.
TS: That was not my question.
SR: Yes...she's ready.
TS: Good. She's one of the reasons I agreed to do this. I want her there.

NR: He said that?
Y/N: I wish I could tell you no but I can't.
NR: That doesn't sound like the Steve Rogers I know.
Y/N: What do I do now?
NR: What do you mean?
Y/N: When this is over, we have to return the stones.
NR: And?
Y/N: He volunteered to be the one to take them back.
NR: And you think if he goes back and sees her again he might not come back?
Y/N: I know it sounds crazy, but I just can't help but...
NR: I'm going to stop you right there. That man in the next room loves you. I see it every time he looks at you. You and those kids are his whole world and he would move heaven and earth for you and them.
Y/N: I hope you're right. I don't know what I would do without him.
NR: I know I'm right.
*meanwhile with Tony and Steve*
TS: I'm sorry. What?
SR: Did I stutter?
TS: I'm hoping you did. You seriously said that to her?
SR: I probably shouldn't have, but...
TS: Probably? Try definitely.
SR: Tony...
TS: No. She just went throuhg hell and back, put her life on the line to get that stone and the first chance you get, you crush her.
SR: If I didn't, she would know I was hiding something.
TS: Oh, so honesty is the best policy?
SR: I shouldn't have told you this.
TS: No. You shouldn't have told her that. We're going into the final stage of getting everyone back. I need everyone with a clear mind.
SR: What should I do?
TS: She needs to know that she is your everything.

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