Part 95

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*For the full effect of the story, please refer to my Tiktok video*

SL: I believe this is yours.
*He hands the shield to Steve.*
TS: Maximoff and Barton are in the garage.
*Tony takes off after them.*
JR: Barnes and Wilson are in the terminal.
Par: Mr. Stark, what should I do?
TS: Do you not remember the plan?
Par: Oh yeah. Sorry about that.
*He shoots his webs up to the terminal pulling himself up to the roof.*
SL: Look, I really don't want to hurt you.
NR: It's not me you should worry about.
*Nat kicks Scott in the groin and flips him over her shoulder. Meanwhile, Sam and Bucky are running through the terminal when they see Peter crawling on the glass roof.*
Bar: Who the hell is that?
SW: Don't know. Dont's care. Keep running.
*Peter breaks through the glass kicking Sam  and sending him over the railing. Bucky goes to punch Peter with his metal arm but Peter stops the punch.*
Par: You have a metal arm?
Bar: How did you do that?
Par: Do what?
*Sam flies up and grabs Peter and flies off with him.*
Par: Whoa!
*meanwhile back outside*
TS: I don't think so.
*Tony starts firing at Clint,Wanda and you as you run.*
Y/N: Uncle Tony! What are you doing?
CB: Get down!
TS: Not happy with your accomodations?
WM: I won't be held prisoner again.
TS: Clint. Retirement not what you expected?
CB: Not my thing.
*He fires an arrow at Tony that explodes into smaller pieces. Tony fires at them.*
TS: You've lost your touch.
CB: Guess again.
*Wanda surprises Tony by pulling cars from the garage, aiming at him. He fights but she is no match for him.*
TS: I'm getting too old for this.

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