Homecoming & A Big Announcement (Parts 222 & 223)

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*Later that day, you and Steve have everything moved to your home. Everyone came to help unpack and put things away while you make dinner for them all.*
NR: Do you need help in here?
Y/N: Actually, yes I do. Can you mix the salad?
NR: Absolutely.
Y/N: Thank you so much.
NR: Look at you getting all domesticated.
Y/N: I'm a wife and mother now. It was bound to happen.
NR: When you first arrived at the compound, did you even imagine your life like this?
Y/N: The family life? It was a dream I never thought I would get.
NR: I used to dream about it as well.
Y/N: You can still have it.
NR: I don't know about that.
Y/N: Don't give up. If I can find my happily ever after, you can find yours.
*Steve walks in*
SR: Hey, baby girl.
Y/N: Hey handsome.
SR: Do you need any help?
Y/N: Yes. You can tell everyone to clean up because dinner is ready.
*Everyone gathers for dinner and you all have a good time.*
TS: Y/N, dinner was great.
Y/N: Thank you, Uncle Tony.
SR: I want to start by saying thank you to all of you for everything you've done for us.
NR: Anything for family.
SR: That being said, Y/N and I have something we need to tell you.
TS: Another little Avenger? That was quick.
Y/N: Sorry, not anytime soon.
NR: Then what's the big news.

SR: We have made the decision to step back from the Avengers.
NR: You're leaving us?
Y/N: No, not entirely.
TS: Then what? Please explain.
SR: I said we're stepping back. Not leaving.
Y/N: All of the missions lately have been small ones that don't require everyone's help.
SR: So we are confident you could do them without us.
Y/N: We will always be here if you need us.
SR: But we have a family to think about.
Bar: I, for one, am happy for you.
WM: Me too.
NR: Did you two know about this?
Bar: He spoke to me about it at the wedding.
WM: And Bucky told me.
CB: I'm happy for you. In fact, this is something I've talked about with Laura.
TS: You too, Barton?
CB: Did you expect us to live here forever?
TS: Honestly, I never thought about it.
SR: If you ever do need us. We're just a phone call away.
Y/N: A phone call and a 15 minute drive.
TS: You know what? You're right. But I am going to miss the rugrats.
SR: You can visit anytime.
Y/N: But call first.

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