Part 277 & 278 - Fight for the Time Stone

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---for the full effect of the story, plear refer to my Tiktok - mymarvelpov21---

*Tony throws a punch to this guy spinning him around. As he is trying to steady himself, blasters come of the back of Tony's suit sending this guy flying down the street.*
Ban: What was that?
TS: My new suit. What do you think?
EM: Enough.
*The other alien, with a wave of his hand, throws Tony in the air.*
Y/N: Tony!
*He uproots trees and sends them in your directions like giant spears. Strange's friend creates a shield deflecting them while Strange opens a portal.*
SS: Since your friend won't be joining us...
Y/N: No, wait!
*You and Bruce drop through the portal and find yourself in the park down the street.*
Y/N: Ow! I', starting not to like that guy. Look out!
*You and Bruce roll in opposite directions as the rear half of a taxi drops through the portal.*
Ban: That was too close.
*Back on the street*
TS: Get that stone out of here!
*Tony flies directly toward the creatures. The largest one throws his axe. Tony catches it but its power throws him down the street to the park where you and Bruce are.*
Y/N: Are you ok?
Ban: What's going on?
TS: Not much. Will the big guy be joining us today?
Ban: He won't...
*Before Bruce can finish that sentence, the biggest creature comes charging through a building in your direction.*
Y/N: Get down!
*Tony throws you both to the side and turns to blast the guy but they're being deflected by a huge shield. The blast are in all directions as Tony circles around him, taking down everything in its path. A tree falls right in front of you. Bruce climbs out from under the branches, smacking himself in the face.*
Ban: Come on...let's go...
*The Hulk's face appears briefly.*
H: NOOOO!!!!
*Tony gets thrown in the dirt. He turns to see the axe being brought down on him. Suddenly it stops and he sees...*
Par: Hi, Mr. Stark.
TS: Where did you come from?
Par: I was in the neighborhood and thought...whoa!
*Peter gets thrown to the side like garbage.*

*Back on the street*
*Strange starts to bring out the time stone to use it. His hands are suddenly tied down and he is unable to.*
SS: What the...?
EM: I will get what I came for.
*Tree roots wrap around Strange's throat.*
SS: Over my dead body.
EM: So be it.
*His neck is wrapped tighter and he passes out. His body is lifted in the air. His cloak tightens around him setting him free and leading him away.*
EM: No!
*He flies down the street past Peter and Tony.*
Par: What was that?
TS: Don't let him get away.
Par: I'm on it.
*Peter swings off chasing after Strange and the alien.*
EM: Annoying pest.
*Peter swings after Strange when things start to fly toward him.*
Par: Hey! Not cool.
*The cloak continues to carry Strange away until it gets hooked on a light pole. Peter comes from behind and catches Strange with a web.*
Par: Let's get out of...whoa!
*Srange gets beamed up with Peter still holding on. Peter grabs a street pole in the hopes of not getting caught.*
Par: No, no, no, no...
*The alien waves his hand and uproots the street pole sending Peter flying.*
Par: Mr. Stark? I'm being beamed up.
*Back at the park*
*Tony continues fighting and is losing strength. A metal chain gets wrapped around him and he's thrown to the ground.*
TS: Well, this ain't good.
Y/N: There he is!
*A portal opens right over Tony as the alien is about to stab him. The alien finds himself in a frozen tundra looking up at you. He jumps up and the portal is closed chopping off half of his arm.*
Y/N: Oh my god. That is so gross.
*Tony breaks free of the chains.*
TS: Call the others. I'm going after the kid.
*meanwhile in space*
*Peter is hanging onto the spaceship for dear life.*
Par: I shouldn't be here.
TS: Kid, you've gotta let go.
*Tony turns on his thrusters trying to catch up.*
TS: Unlock 17A.
*Back at the compound, a capsule a shot through a window. It flies past Tony in Peter's direction.*
TS: Kid, let go. I'll catch you.
Par: You said not to let him get away.
*Peter rips off his mask.*
Par: I can't breathe.
TS: You're too high up. You're running out of air.Par: Yeah. That explains it.
*Peter passes out and lets go falling into space. The capsule shoots past Tony and breaks apart. A part of it attaches to Peter back and starts to spread all over his body. He comes to and grabs the side of the ship.*
Par: It smells like a new car.
TS: Enjoy the suit. Now go home.
*A parachute opens from the back of his suit.*
Par: What...Mr. Stark...
*The parachute catches the air and Peter is thrown back. Tony catches up to the ship and finds his way inside.*
*back at the park*
Y/N: Please pick up.
F: Boss, incoming call from Y/N Rogers.
TS: Put it through.
Y/N: Uncle Tony. please tell me you're not where I think you are.
TS: Ok. I'm not where you think I am.
Y/N: Now be honest.
TS: I am where you think I am.
Y/N: What am pissed...
TS: Y/N? You're breaking up. Can you hear me?
*The line goes dead.*
TS: Well, this is a fine mess I've gotten myself into.
*Outside, Peter has managed to break free from the parachute and is finding his own way in.*
Par: This is probably a bad idea, but...
*back on the street*
Ban: This must be his phone.
*He opens it up and scrolls down to Steve's name.*

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