Parts 17 & 18 - The Hard Truth

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Y/N: AFter they found us, they took us back and separated us. My mom's screams became my alarm clock. Every morning for 2 years.
SR: Do you know what they were doing to her?
Y/N: I never knew. And covering my ears didn't help. I could still hear her.
SR: What happened after those 2 years?
Y/N: I woke up one morning and realized she wasn't screaming anymore. I asked someone and he said she was dead.
Steve leans back in his chair and takes a deep breath.
Y/N: That night was the first time they came to my cell at night.
SR: How old were you?
Y/N: 14.
SR: Did this happen every night? From the time your mom died until now?
Y/N: Not every single night. They always spaced it out so I never knew when they were coming.
SR: They?
Y/N: Sometimes it was just one guy. Some nights it was multiple. They always wore masks so I couldn't see their faces.
At this point you can feel the tears welling up in your eyes.
Y/N: I began to lose trust in people after that.
SR: But you trust us, right?
Y/N: I came here because Uncle Tony took care of us all those years ago when we escaped the first time. He made sure we had a place to stay where we could feel safe.
The tears start to fall.
Y/N: I trust you because after that first mission you had after I got here, I saw the good in you. I know that not everyone in the world is the same. I know there are good people out there. The problem is they all look the same. Like normal people.
SR: I'm sorry to hear that. I can't imagine how terrifying that had to have been for you. Especially at that age.
Y/N: Unfortunately, we can't go back in time and change things.
You wipe the tears from your eyes.
SR: Tell you what. Why don't we go watch a movie in the living room.
You and Steve go to the living room and turn on a movie and cuddle up next to him. Almost instantly you fall asleep. Steve notices you've fallen asleep and kisses you on the forehead.
SR: Sweet dreams, baby girl.

The next morning, you wake up to someone's voice.
NR: Don't they look cute?
CB: Just adorable. Now wake them up.
NR: What do you think Tony would say about them being together?
Y/N: There's nothing going on. We were watching a movie and must've fallen asleep.
Steve wakes and stretches.
SR: Good morning, baby girl.
Y/N: Good morning, handsome.
SR: How did you sleep?
Y/N: Great. I always seem to sleep better when I'm with you.
SR: Glad I could help.
NR: When you're ready there's pancakes.
Y/N: Be right there.
You look at Steve as Nat leaves.
Y/N: Shall we join them?
SR: You first.
After spending all morning with Banner in the lab, you walk around the compound and find the pool. You're swimming laps when Steve walks in.
SR: Hey there. I was wondering if we could have that second date tomorrow?
Y/N: I would love that.
SR: I'm happy to hear that. I also came to tell you that Tony has planned a party tonight.
Y/N: Special occasion?
SR: No. He just likes to have a party.
Later, you come downstairs and see Nat at the bar.
NR: You look hot tonight.
Y/N: Thank you. It's not too much is it?
NR: Not at all. In fact I think you've caught someone's eye.You turn and see Steve staring.
SW: You really like her don't you?
SR: There's just something about her. I can't explain it.
SW: What are you doing here? Go get your girl.

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