Parts 83 & 84

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SR: Who are you and why are you after him?
T: I am King T'Challa of Wakanda. Your friend killed my father.
SW: He's not my friend.
SR: But he is mine. Whether he remembers or not.
SW: So, what's with the cat suit?
T: The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations. With my father's death the honor was passed to me.
*They arrive at the United Nations. Steve gets out of the van and sees Bucky strapped to a chair in a cage.*
SR: What is all this?
NR: Extra security. As far as they know, he's still a killer.
Y/N: You should know we are in trouble.
SR: There wouldn't be trouble if you had a plan to begin with.
Y/N: Are we playing the blame game? No one asked you to come.
SR: Actually I was asked. Wasn't I, Nat?
NR: Oh, please don't bring me into this.
Y/N: You called him?
NR: No. Wanda called Tony.
SR: One more to add to the mix. Where's Tony?
TS: Over here trying to save your ass. Secretary of State is on his way.
Y/N: What does he want?
NR: Our asses in jail.
SR: I admit we caused a public disturbance but it should be dealt with by local authorities.
TS: Not when it involves someone the whols world is looking for.
Y/N: I think you're exaggerating.
SOS: Unfortunately, he's not. Please, have a seat.

WM: What's going on? What brings you here?
SOS: Given your recent actions, we were forced to look at your history.
NR: Who's we? What history?
SOS: The United Nations. Observe.
*A screen drops from the ceiling.*
SOS: New York.
*Footage plays of the Avengers fighting Loki and his army in New York.*
SOS: Washington DC.
*He plays video showing the Hydra helicarriers being sunk in the river.*
SOS: Sokovia.
*People running through the streets to avoid being blasted by robots. Wanda cringes.*
SOS: Every event has ended with thousands of people dead and millions in property damage. You have now become a liability that must be taken care of. Immediately.
Y/N: What do you mean?
SOS: We have a proposal.
Y/N: That's a pretty thick file.
SR: What does this say?
SOS: For years you've been working without rules. Without limits. We think it's time to change that. For everyone's safety.
TS: By signing this it means we work for them.
Y/N: And if we don't?
SOS: Then you retire. But if you keep things the way they are now, you would be breaking the law. You've got one week.

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