Parts 321 & 322

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Y/N: Alright. Time to find these stones.
SR: Everyone here has encountered at least one stone.
TS: Correction. Nearly been killed by one.
Ban: There's only enough particles for one round trip each.
TS: And these stones have been in a lot of places in our history.
Y/N: Where do we start?
SR: Well, how about the reality stone? Thor, what can you tell us?
*Everyone looks to Thor who is sitting in a corner not saying a word.*
NR: Is he asleep?
Y/N: Is he alive?
*Thor wakes up and stands in front of everyone.*
TO: Where do I begin? Alright, first it is not  stone. It's an ether. More like a sludge. My girlfriend, Jane...Jane.
*Her picture appears on the screen.*
TO: There she is. We were together...we're not anymore...see, she stuck her arm in a rock. And the, uh, put itself in her. I had to take her to Asgard. She got to meet my mother...who's dead...and then...
Ban: Cut him off.
Y/N: Thor, it's ok. You can stop now.
TS: Hey buddy. You want some breakfast?
TO: No, I'd like a bloody mary.

RR: Quill stole the power stone from the planet Morag.
SL: You mean like in outer space?
Y/N: Did he really just ask that?

Y/N: Now for the soul stone.
NR: Nebula, where can we find it?
N: The planet Vormir.
Y/N: What should we know about it?
N: It's where Thanos killed my sister.
Y/N: That just took a dark turn.

Y/N: The time stone.
TS: That Strange guy had it.
NR: He was a doctor?
TS: Neurosurgeon meets sorceror's apprentice.
Y/N: That was a nice place he had.
NR: Where at?
Ban: Bleeker Street.
NR: In New York?
Y/N: In the heart of Greenwich Village.
NR: Guys, if you find the right time, there's three stones in New York.
Y/N: She's right.
Ban: Shut the front door.

SR: Alright. We have a plan. Six stones. Three teams. One shot.

*The next day*
Sav: Aren't you afraid?
SR: Me? I'm Captain America. I'm fearless.
Sav: Stop lying.
SR: You're too smart for your own good. You know that, right?
Sav: You're terrified, aren't you?
SR: Deep down...I guess I am.
Sav: But you'll be back. Right?
SR: If all goes as planned. You won't even know we're gone.
Sav: Is that a promise?
SR: Have I ever lied to you?
Sav: Let me think. Santa Claus, tooth fairy...
SR: Ok, I get it.
Sav: Easter bunny...
SR: Alright, alright. That's enough.
Sav: Promise me you won't do anything stupid.SR: I will do my best. Now go find your mom and brothers. Let's go for a ride.
*Savannah gets up and starts to run down the dock toward the house.*
SR: Don't run!
*Meanwhile with you and AJ*
Y/N: You know how your dad is.
AJ: You're going to tell me that he's never done or said anything wrong? I know he's Captain America, but come on.
Y/N: Just watch your mouth.
AJ: Fine. Can I ask a question?
Y/N: Better than anyone I know.
AJ: What do you think it will be like?
Y/N: I think it will be exciting.
AJ: Is there anything you can tell me?
Y/N: All you need to know is you're going to be with Morgan and we'll be back before lunch.
AJ: Promise?
Y/N: I cross my heart.
AJ: Can you go tell Grant? He won't come out of his room.
*Savannah comes running in.*
Sav: Mom, Dad told me to get you for a ride on the boat.
Y/N: Let's end this day on a good note.
AJ: Can we have pizza for dinner?
Y/N: Absolutely.

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