Part 98 & 99

553 12 1

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*Scott jumps onto Rhodes back.*
SL: Here goes nothing.
*He presses a button that makes him giant. He grabs Rhodes making him stop mid flight.*
Par: Holy shit!
JR: What the fuck just happened?
Y/N: I'm guessing that's the signal.
SR: Then we better run.
*You, Steve and Bucky run to the hangr where the quinjet is.*
JR: Tony, they're on the run.
TS: I don't think so.
SW: I do think so.
Y/N: We've got to move faster.
*Vision blasts a tower that begins to fall in your direction.*
Bar: You've got to be kidding.
*Wanda uses her powers to hold the wall to keep from falling on you.*
WM: Get out of here!
*You all run faster. Rhodes comes from behind and stuns Wanda causing the tower to fall. You and Bucky make it. Steve does not.*
JR: Not on my watch.
Y/N: Steve! No!
NR: Y/N, please don't make me do this.
Y/N: Nat, Steve's hurt and my dad needs my help.
NR: Don't make me regret this.
*She fires in your direction and hits T'Challa who you didn't know was behind you.*
NR: Get out of here. Now.
*You and Bucky start running.*
NR: I'll take care of Steve.
Y/N: Thanks Nat.

*You and Bucky are flying the jet and Rhodes and Tony are in the air right behind you.*
JR: Tony!
TS: Right behind you.
*Sam is coming up from behind.*
JR: I've got Wilson on my tail.
*Vision fires at Sam who rolls out of the way. The blast accidentally hits Rhodes in the chest.*
JR: Tony, I've been hit.
*Rhodes falls and hits the ground. Hard. Tony and Sam land right next to him.*
TS: No, no, no, no. Rhodes!
*Tony rips off Rhodes' face mask.*
TS: Friday, read vitals.
F: Condition critical. Emergency medical is on the way.
*meanwhile on the jet*
Bar: What's going to happen to them?
Y/N: You let me worry about that.
*the next day*
NR: Tony.
TS: You need to leave.
NR: Why would I do that?
TS: Ross has them locked up at the raft. He wants you there too.
NR: I'm sorry it ended this way.
*Nat runs off*
TS: Yeah. Me too.

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