Parts 313 & 314

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Y/N: You're thinking this was a bad idea.
SR: Look what it did to him.
Y/N: So we work on it and try again.
SR: How do we know it won't happen again?
Y/N: We don't.
SR: You know what we need.
Y/N: I do. I actually talked to him last night.
SR: What do you mean?
*Just then you both hear a car speeding toward the compound.*
SR: What is that?
Y/N: It's not what. It's who.
SR: What does he think this is? Indy 500?
Y/N: He's always been reckless behind the wheel.
*The car pulls up in front of you and screeches to a stop. The window rolls down.*
TS: Why the long face?
SR: Hello to you too.
TS: He turned into a baby didn't he?
SR: And an old man.
Y/N: And a preteen.
TS: I figured out the problem.
Y/N: What changed your mind?
TS: Your speech stuck with me last night. Does he know you came over?
Y/N: I told him about it.
TS: Your wife is very persuasive.
SR: Don't I know it.
Y/N: So what do we need?
TS: You need this.
*Ton holds up his arm to show some contraption wrapped around his hand.*
SR: What is that?
TS: Just think of it as a GPS tracker.
Y/N: To navigate ourselves?
SR: So you believe we can do this?

TS: Get the stones? Yes. Are there consequences? Maybe. But if at any time things start to go south, I'm out. Pepper and Morgan are my top priorities.
SR: It's a deal.
Y/N: Thank you for doing this.
TS: Don't mention it. Also, I have something for you.
SR: What would that be?
TS: Follow me.
*Steve follows Tony to the trunk of his car and Tony opens it and pulls out Steve's shield.*
TS: Your wife gave me this to fix before Thanos. It's been in my garage this whole time.
SR: I wondered where that went.
Y/N: To be honest, I forgot all about that.
TS: Well, here it is. Take it. If not, Morgan gets it as a sled.
*Steve puts the shield on his arm.*
TS: I'm assuming you got everyone on board.
Y/N: We're still looking for Clint and Thor.
TS: We need everyone on this. So let's find them.
NR: Hey Y/N. I need to talk to you.
Y/N: Sure. What's wrong?
NR: I found him.
Y/N: You're going after him, aren't you?
NR: I'll be back before you know it.
Y/N: Did we find out about Thor?
NR: Bruce and Rocket are leaving later to go get him.
Y/N: Be careful.

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