Parts 347 & 348

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SR: Sv didn't want to come?
Y/N: I told her she could come up tomorrow.
SR: Are you excited to see him?
Y/N: I'm just glad he's awake.
SR: Bruce and Pepper arranged it so he could recover at home.
Y/N: It's better that way. Does he know what's going on with the stones?
SR: It was the first thing he asked about.
Y/N: Was Bruce not going to tell him?
SR: Not right away.
Y/N: So, when will you be taking the stones back?
SR: As soon as I can work out the details with Bruce.
*Steve looks over and sees you hanging your head.*
SR: What's wrong?
Y/N: What? Nothing's wrong.
SR: I know that look. What are you worried about?
Y/N: I'm not worried.
SR: When you get worried, you play with your ring and go silent.
Y/N: I do not...
*Just then you realize you are absent mindedly playing with your ring.*
SR: Well?
Y/N: Alright. Fine. I'm worried.
SR: About?
Y/N: Whether or not you'll come back.
SR: We've been through this.
Y/N: I know. But the way you talked about her...
SR: Listen, Peggy did mean a lot to me. But she is my past. You are my future. I'm going to take back the stones and be back in a matter of seconds.
Y/N: What if something goes wrong?
SR: Everything is going to go smoothly.
Y/N: I certainly hope so.

Y/N: How are you feeling?
TS: I could say I've had it worse but I don't think anything compares to this.
SR: Well, you look better.
Pep: I'm going to get lunch started. Y/N, want to come with me?
*You and Pepper go to the kitchen leaving the men alone.*
TS: Now that they're gone, what's the story with the stones?
Ban: The new tunnel is done. We just need to set up a time to do this.
SR: The sooner, the better.
TS: Let me guess. You're taking them back.
SR: I am.
TS: You and who else?
SR: No one. Just me.
TS: Are you sure that's a good idea?
SR: Do you think it's a bad idea?
Ban: We were just thinking someone else should go too. In case something goes wrong.
SR: Have you been talking to my wife?
Ban: What? No. Why would we...
TS: Yes, we did.
Ban: Tony...
TS: I'm not going to lie to the man.
SR: Look, I'm going to return the stones and be back before she knows I'm gone.
TS: I certainly hope so, Rogers. When are you doing this?
SR: First thing tomorrow morning.

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