Parts 39 & 40

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Y/N: Hey handsome.
SR: Hey baby girl.
TS: I'm going to leave you two alone.
Y/N: Have you really been here the whole time?
SR: The whole time. I've been waiting for you to wake up because there's something I need to say to you.
Y/N: What's that?
SR: I love you.
Y/N: I love you too.
SR: Please don't leave me again.
Y/N: Only if you promise the same.
SR: Deal.
He gives you a kiss then carefully climbs in bed next to you and you both fall asleep.
*two days later*
SR: Are you ready to go home?
Y/N: More than ready. By the way, I've been meaning to ask what happened to the two that helped me get out?
SR: The twins? They hopped on the jet and we got them out. They're back at the compound. They're concerned about you as well.
TS: Hey there. I'm here to get you home. Are you ready to leave?
Y/N: Just waiting on the discharge papers.
TS: Let me see if I can hurry that up.
*back at the compound*
TS: She's home!
Pep: Oh my god! I'm so happy to see you. How do youe feel?
Y/N: Still sore but glad to be home. I also have one question.
NR: What's that?
Y/N: What happened to the ones who got me out of there? The twins?

Y/N: Where are they? Steve? Uncle Tony? Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?
SR: Tonyhas them locked up downstairs.
Y/N: What?
TS: Just for safety. We don't know who they are.
Y/N: They help break me out and you lock them up for it?
TS: I did it because...
Y/N: I don't care why. Take me down there.
SR: Baby girl, you need to rest.
Y/N: Don't baby girl me right now. I want to see them.
They take you downstairs and you see them locked up.
Y/N: Let them out right now!
SR: You don't understand...
Y/N: They helped me out of there. This is not fair.
TS: We don't know who they are or what their motives are.
Y/N: Then let's take them upstairs and talk.
SR: Tony, she's right. Let's talk to them.
TS: Alright. Let's take them upstairs.
*in the meeting room*
TS: Let's start with some names.
WM: My name is Wanda Maximoff.
PM: I'm her brother, Pietro.

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